Episode 2: Graves/Transcript

From The Coffin of Andy and Leyley

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Outcome 1
Let Andrew waste all the shots, then you let Andrew guard the parents and make him accept the parents' deal. Or you can just let Ashley guard them from the start. Andrew will not enter the dream sequence later.
Outcome 2
Have Andrew fire the gun only once. It doesn't matter whomever guards the parents. Andrew will not enter the dream sequence later.
Outcome 3
Have Andrew guard the parents, and have him decline his parents' deal. Andrew will now be able to enter Ashley's dream sequence. At some point in the dream sequence, each door has its own outcomes. The right one is the sane one.
Outcome 4
Have Andrew guard the parents, and have him decline his parents' deal. Andrew will now be able to enter Ashley's dream sequence. At some point in the dream sequence, each door has its own outcomes. The left one is the unhinged one.

Checking the news

This is the first scene in the episode.

Character Dialogue
Narrator You are finishing up what's left of your lunch.
The consequences of your actions have yet to catch up with you. Which is nice.
Ashley There's nothing interesting in the paper, right?
Andrew I'm not done reading...
Ashley It's been a week. The odds that there is something now are nonexistent.
Andrew Just let me check.
Ashley Ugghhh...... I'm booooored.
How much longer can we stay here anyway? We're almost out of money.


Character Dialogue
System Interact with bed with two pillows
Ashley (Leave it to Andrew to insist on getting a room with two separate beds.)
(Only to then have a panic attack every other night.)
System Interact with bra.
Ashley (I suppose I should throw these in the washer while I still can...)
System Walk in front of the TV while Andrew is watching.
Andrew HEY!! Get your fat-ass out of the way!
Ashley "ASS"!? I think you meant my awesome fat tits, you cocksucker!
Ashley Whatever, wanker.
System Walk in front again.
Andrew ...................................
Ashley ...................................
Andrew Alas, I cannot watch the news off of your fat tits. Would you mind getting out of the way, dear sister of mine?
Ashley I am not fat. how could I be after starving for so long!?
Andrew No. You're right. But you're also in the way.
Andrew I'm sorry that you can't understand I'm trying to watch TV!
Ashley You're so lucky I love you too much to shoot!!
Andrew ...... I appreciate it.
And I would appreciate you too, if you moved a little to the left...
Ashley You're supposed to say you love me too!!
Andrew I DO!! NOW FUCK OFF!!
System Again.
Andrew ............…
Narrator Andrew pretends to not see you.

Or your fat tits.

System Talk to Andrew.
Andrew Not now. I'm trying to catch the news.
Ashley There isn't going to be anything about us in there, no matter how many times you check.
Andrew Whatever. Did you find the gun yet?

Also pack your things. We have to leave in the morning.

System Throw the laundry in the washer
Ashley All done! You're welcome!
Andrew Great. Thanks.
Ashley I really am such a sweetheart! You're so damn lucky to have me.
Andrew Yeah, yeah…
Ashley I cook and I clean, and I'm a feast on the eyes!

Meanwhile what do you do?? Watch TV all day like a slob!

Andrew Knock it off.
Ashley ...............

You're not going to be in the news, Aaaaandy.

Andrew ..................................
Ashley Pfft....... HAHAHA!!
Andrew I should've known...
Ashley Oooh, what are you going to do about it, Andy?
Gonna choke me out again, are you? Are you?
Andrew Do you want me to???
Ashley Oh c'mon. I'm kidding! It's all in good fun.

Evading the Hitman

Cult party

Demonic summoning

Back to motel

Character Dialogue
System You are Ashley!
Narrator No one has stepped forth to kill you yet.
Ashley Oh gosh jolly, Andrew! I juuuuuuust realized our impromptu night walk to the store has left me parched!
Andrew ................. Is that so?
Ashley Let us return to the gas stop at once!
And since we want to be oh, so quick about it, let's take a shortcut through the park!
Where we may frolic amongst the foliage, shielded from sight!!
Andrew .................
Andrew Terrific. Let's go.
Ashley Not so fast!
Let me grab my things first. I just realized that I don't trust the staff here.
System Given that you're about to roam about with a hitman around, would you like to save the game??
Option Save.
Don't tell me what to do!!!
System Open the closet.
Narrator Well .................
Congratulations! You have found the hitman!!
And died. Which is the best part.
For the record, Andrew doesn't fare much better.
When it comes to cutting people up, the hitman whoops his amateur ass dead.
Though given his romantic streak, he probably didn't want to live without you anyway.
I bet you'd be happy about that, if you weren't too fucking dead to feel anything.
Ah, yes. The world is much better off without you. However....
This is all so anticlimatic, you get a free do-over.
Option Retry.
System Got Washed Laundry!
Ashley Holding the door for me, are we? What a gentleman.
Andrew Just letting in some fresh air...... And the sounds of the city....
Hurry up and get your things already...
Ashley I already did!
System Interact with door.
Andrew Ashley, are you kidding me??
Ashley Maybe I forgot something.
Andrew I don't care! We're going to the park, so we can kill--
--K-kill some time frolicking about in the bushes! Is all I'm saying!!
Ashley Smooooooooth. Real smooth.
Andrew C-come along then. This isn't suspicious... all...
Ashley BhahaHAHa!! Fine, fine. Let's go.

Go to Gunshots in the park.

Gunshots in the park

Character Dialogue
Andrew Is.... is he coming after us or not?
Ashley I don't know. I thought he would..?
Let's pick a corner we can ambush him from.
Andrew What corner!? It's all bushes!
System Found a Used Condom!!
You choose not to take it with you.
System Walk behind tree.
Ashley Here! This tree will hide us nicely.
Andrew What are we going to do if he just stays in the motel?
Ashley Well I guess we'll just leave then...
We'll grow eyes in the back of our heads, and keep watching over our shoulders at all times.
Andrew Ugh, what a pain.... I Can't believe I'm actually hoping he'd show up now....
Ashley Good! Don't feel bad about murdering a murderer.
And on that note....
Not it!!
Andrew ???????
You're making me do it?? AGAIN??
Ashley Dude only has a knife, you've got this!!
Ah. I hear footsteps... I think.
Andrew Ashley wait. I've never fired a gun...
Ashley Crap... I think he stopped? I can't hear anything anymore...
Narrator You can't ambush a killer that's waiting to ambush you.
And you can't very well start looking for him either. Not without letting him know that you know he's here.
Ashley Crap... Did we whisper too loudly? Is he onto us?? Why'd he stop??
Andrew .... To see what we're up to?
Bet this all looks suspicious as hell...
Ashley This doesn't look like anything! He shouldn't even be able to see us from behind this--
Narrator An idea hits you then.
Andrew !?!?!?!?!?
Andrew I don't want to!?
Ashley, seriously. I don't know how this thing works....
System You are Andrew!
Narrator Time has come to play hide and seek with a killer (and Ashley).
Narrator There are some bugs in the bush, but not much else.
Narrator Nothing here.
Narrator Nothing.
Andrew O-oh god... It's just you...
What are you doing, you absolute--
Ashley Shh!! You didn't find me! Keep looking.
Andrew Do you want to die?? What if he sneaks up on you, or--
Ashley Shoo! Shoo!! Leave!
Narrator Nothing.
Narrator An attempt, or several, has been made to place the trash where it belongs.
So close! They were all so close but couldn't quite stick the landing!!
Narrator Nothing at all.
Narrator Nothing here.
Narrator There's nothing but trash in this bush.
People think they are so clever hiding their candy wrappers and beer cans here.
Narrator It looks like someone has gone through the bushes here...
Narrator There's nothing here, but a bunch of branches that have been bent.
Narrator Nothing's here.
Narrator An abandoned shopping cart. Very classy.
Andrew THERE HE IS!!!
Option (A) Shoot.
(B) SHOOT!!!!!!
Andrew ............... Did--?... I-is he dead?
Ashley Nice work!
System Ashley reclaims her gun.
Ashley Hehee! I knew you had it in you.
Andrew I have a few choice words to say to you, but this is neither the time nor the place...
Let's get going before someone comes to see what's up.
Ashley Well then, we can just shoot them too.
Andrew Don't think we'll always be so lucky......
Oh yeah!! And what the fuck was THAT!?
Ashley What was what??
Andrew You running off out of the blue!
Ashley What? You needed an excuse to start rummaging through the bushes.
Now that the hitman thought you were looking for me, he sat there waiting for you.
He didn't know you had a gun and would kill him instead! I am a bloody genius!!
Andrew And what if he was in the bush you ran off to, huh!? Genius.
Ashley Well he wasn't.
Andrew Arrghhh.........
Ashley Quit your bitching. It all worked out!
Andrew Clue me in the next time you have these "genius" ideas!
Ashley So that I can tell you off.
Andrew Hahaha!!
System You are Ashley!
System Interact with corpse.
Andrew ....Do we just.... leave him here?
Ashley Why not? As long as no one saw us do it, who's gonna have a clue it was us?
Hell, this guy carries knives with him. He's clearly a criminal.
Maybe the autorities will assume his "friends" got him or something?
Andrew Ever the optimist…
Ahhh, whatever. Let's just go before someone comes to walk their dog or something...
System Got Car Keys!
Andrew Oh yeah, baby. Leave those finger prints aaaaaaall over the guy. That's just great.
Ashley ......... I'm sure you meant to say something else.
Andrew I guess it doesn't matter. Since you've never gotten your fingerprints taken...
Ashley Have you?
Andrew Yeah.
Ashley Urgghhh... Motherfucker. What for??
Andrew My driver's license.
Ashley Well good thing it's me manhandling this corpse then!
System Interact again.
Narrator Haha! He's fucking dead.

Go to car ride.

Car ride

Character Dialogue
System Ashley interacts with the driving seat.
Ashley Alright! Let's---
Andrew See if this guy has anything interesting in his car.
Ashley So much for not leaving fingerprints....
Andrew It's a little late to worry about that. You've already touched the door, the handle, the wheel....
Ashley .... It's fine if it's me, right??
Interact with back seats.
System "Meditate Mindlessly" sits on top of the car seat.
System Newspaper cutouts of various incidents.
Most of them are about your old apartment. Both the tainted water and the fire situation.
There is also an article from last week about some chemical leak in some other city.
Someone has scribbled the words "same shit" in the corner.
Interact with front seats.
System There is an envelope with various papers inside. The most notable one reads:
"Dear Mr. Washing Machine, consider this a receipt for your cleaning services."
"We're extremely grateful that you've accepted to clean our laundry for us."
"And we're so confident in your services,that we will not be needing any progress reports."
"In fact, please do not contact us. If anyone were to ask, the less we know, the better."
"As a bonus, we've included free samples of all the new soda flavors from our sister company! Happy washing!"
Ashley ...... Are we the "laundry"?
Andrew Seems that way...
Ashley Haha, yikes!
Narrator Take the car and go?
Option Vroom vroom!
Not yet.
Ashley So. Where to?
Andrew ..... Umm.... Could you elaborate?
Ashley We're off to somewhere, right? Got the car and everything now!
Andrew This isn't exactly the best situation to go joyriding in a stolen car.
Andrew We barely have enough money to feed us.
Ashley Fine. Let's go take mom's--
Andrew For fuck's sake! Does everything I say go in one ear and out the other??
We're never going to talk to anyone we know ever again! Remember??
Ashley Did I say squat about talking to her!?
Let's go rob the bitch blind and leave!
Andrew ............... What money do you think she has exactly?
Ashley I'm sure she's got something...
I thought she inherited some jewelry from grandma?
Andrew Well yeah, but she can't sell those...
Ashley She can't, but I sure can.
Andrew ...................
Ahhh, no. We still can't go over there...
Ashley Why not?
Andrew We've got pursuers, or something!
Our parent's place is definitely something they've looked into.
Ashley Listen, Andy--
Andrew Wrong.
Ashley Andrew, the "pursuer" is taking a nap in the park right now.
Do you honestly think you're anywhere near important enough for someone to hire two?
If anything, it seems they assume that guy took care of us, and that's that.
Andrew But the thing is, I'd rather be overly cautious than dead.
Ashley Sigh.... We'll be quick.
Ashley Get in there, rob them, kill them, and get out.
Andrew So now you want to kill our parents? Great.
Ashley You just said we can't talk to them again anyway.
So they might as well be dead.
Andrew I'm way too tired for this............
Ashley Fine, we'll just rob them then.
Break in while they're at work, get some money, and then get lost.
Andrew .... I'll take it
Ashley Where do they live now anyway?
Andrew I know the place, but I don't remember the exact address.
Ashley ........ She actually told you the address??
Andrew ... Yeah?
Ashley Huh... The only thing she told me was to stop calling her.
Andrew She probably figured I'd tell you tehn.
Ashley Well what a sloppy job you did.
Andrew Do forgive me, Ashley. It didn't seem like relevant information at the time.
Ashley Whatever. Just drive.
Andrew I haven't driven a car in over two years...
Ashley Will we be fine?
Andrew Just don't distract me or anything.
Ashley Okey dokey.
Andrew Feet on the floor!
Ashley My god! It's not even your car!!
Andrew Shut up and put your seatbelt on.
Ashley Boo!! This sucks!
Andrew Yeah, yeah, it sucks. Now hurry up!
I'll be damned if we get cauhgt in a dead man's car, just because we got pulled over for some stupid shit.
Ashley Make me then.
Andrew ............
Do you, or do you not, want to go rob our parents?
Ashley I said make me, Aaaandy.
Andrew I-- okay, what do you want??
If it's to piss me off, then you're nailing it right now.
Ashley Oh, c'mon! It's just a joke.
Andrew I know it's not a joke!!
Ashley I--?? Yeah, it is. you get so mad! It's just funny.
Andrew Like I don't know you, Ashley! You've pulled this shit before.
Ashley I have no idea what you're talking about......
Andrew You'll keep going "Andy Andy" until I get tired of correcting you.
And suddenly it's "Andy and Leyley and Stupid Bullshit" all over again.
Ashley Way to read into it! I was honestly just joking around.
Andrew Well then it's not funny and you're going to stop
Ashley Nothing is funny to you anymore.....
Andrew ...........................
.. . . ... . .. . ... . .. . .... . .. . . .
Ashley Well? Are you going to drive or what?
Andrew ........... I just don't want us to get in trouble.
Ashley But you don't have to be such a hardass about it.
Andrew I do, though? When you're such as dumbass about it.
Ashley ............ Just drive.
Andrew Are you angry? I'm looking out for us.
Ashley Fucking drive, Andy!!
Andrew ............................
Ashley ............................ D-drive, Andrew.
Narrator And so he does. Finally.
And you decide to give Andrew the silent treatment until he apologizes.
You're not sure what he needs to apologize for exactly, but you won't forgive him until he does!
So while you wait for him to notice you're not talking to him, you fall asleep...

Go to Dream in the car.

Dream in the car

Character Dialogue
Ashley What the-....??
Narrator You're pretty sure you're dreaming.
But at the same time you feel wide awake.
Interact with flowers.
Narrator Some red flowers are swaying in the breeze.
??? -----R sOuL--
Ashley Huh?? What??
Who's there? Where are you?
And where am I? Is this another vision or what?
Narrator There is no response.
Narrator There's nothing to step on.
Narrator Picked up Red Flowers.
Narrator Threw down Red Flowers
??? ---tAR sOUL...?
sumMoned yOu to------- cAn't tunE iN.
Ashley What?? You're all muffled. I can't hear anything.
Narrator The voice continues talking, but you can't make heads or tails of it.
Ashley (Ahh, whatever. I should focus on getting out of here anyway.)
Where am I?!?! Everything looks the same!!!
System Picked up Red Flowers.
System Threw down some Red Flowers
Narrator Well you just avoided falling down into an eternal void.
Ashley AH!! It's you! I summoned you before, right??
??? hUman. YoU've ComE.
Ashley Where am I?
??? iN a DReAM. I cALLed yOu hEre.
Ashley Well can you wake me up then?? I was in the middle of something.
Narrator It doesn't even occur to you that you should be afraid of this soul stealing creature.
??? I hAve sUmmoNed yOu to mAKe a dEal.
Ashley Great. But I can't do this now!
What if Andrew tries to talk to me?
He needs to know I'm deliberately ignoring him, instead of being in a coma or something!
Narrator The demon couldn't care less about the lover's spat you're having with your brother.
It carries on as if you hadn't said a thing.
??? YoU've uSEd mY gift.
Ashley What??
??? WaS it UsEfuLL? sEeing tHe fuTuRe.
Ashley Ahh! Yes. The trinket you gave me. Yes, it's been very useful. Thank you.
??? ThEn do yOu wAnt tO seE tHe futuRe aGain?
Ashley Sure. I just have to keep holding on to it, right?
??? iT is OuT oF eNerGy.
I aM aBLe to REchaRGe it.
dO yOu wAnT to maKe a dEaL?
Narrator Of course you do.
Never has it ever been a bad idea to make deals with devils.
Ashley Let's hear it then. What do you want?
??? hUmaN sOuLs.
Ashley Well you're not getting mine. So if that was it, then--
??? NOt yOurs, TaR sOul.
Ashley (Is that like an insult, or...???)
Who's then? Just anybody's?
And why don't you go get some souls yourself?
??? I cAnnOt eNtEr tHe hUman reALm unSumMoned.
LiKe YoU cAnnoT EnteR heRe.
I aM aBLe to rEacH yOu, onLY bEcaUse oF mY talisMan.
buT eVen Then, OnE cAn onLy inteRact bEtween rEaLms tHrough dEals.
Do we hAve a dEaL?
Ashley I don't really get it, but I can't say I'm all that interested either.
Listen, I really need to get back to my brother...
If I offer you a soul, you'll make my talisman trinket dream thing work again, right?
??? cOrrEct.
Ashley Sounds good! I do hav a soul or two in mind, actually.
But I'll see what Andrew has to say about it...
He's kinda .........…
I don't know... something is shifting. I don't really like it.....
Narrator The demon says nothing to that.
It probably wasn't the right entity to talk to about this.
??? I wiLL bE wAiting....
Ashley Err... Right! Alright. I'll see what I can do.
So how do I wake up?
??? yOu waKe uP onCe yOur miND reTurns hoMe.
Ashley Huh???????
??? fAreWeLL, tAr SoUL.
System The entity has left.
Interact with left door
Narrator The door is decorated with red flowers. Enter?
Option Yup!
Narrator Found a present.
Inside is......
A lemon muffin disguised as a birthday cake!!
Ashley Haha! Oh man...
Kind of takes me back...
Narrator You get lost in your thoughts for a bit...

Flashback: Lemon muffins

Character Dialogue
Leyley ...............
Andy I'm home.
.... Oh? What's that you got there?
Leyley My teacher gave it to me.
Andy That's nice of her.
Leyley She gives one to everyone on their birthday. It's not special.
Andy She's not getting paid to do it, so she's going out of her way to try and make you smile.
Leyley ...............
Leyley ........ Hey Andy?
Andy Yeah?
Leyley Isn't it interesting that when it's your birthday, you have your classmates come over and stuff...
But when it's my birthday, we can never afford anything?
Andy ...... I've got some pocket money. Wanna go buy cake?
Leyley Nah.... It's not like my friends would show up anyway.....
They're always busy when I ask them for anything.
Even when I haven't said the date yet....
Andy More cake for us.
Leyley ................ I don't know.
Andy C'mon, let's get you something.
Leyley Hehee! Okay.
Leyley ...... Frozen cakes?
Andy Quiet you, I'm on a budget...
Yikes... Twenty bucks for whatever the hell that is?? No thanks.
Narrator You watch as Andy scouts the cakes, or more accurately their price tags.
Andy ............................. Say, I've got an idea.
How about instead of cake, we get the muffin value pack?
Leyley What?? Those muffins taste like lemon extract and sadness!
Andy If I put whipped cream on them, you'll have a dozen cakes! Instead of just one.
Leyley (Ah. He just can't afford a cake....)
Okay fine.
But then you'll also have to watch Hypergore Splatterbrains 2 with me.
Andy That's age restricted, you'll have to ask dad to--
Leyley No, we still have it.
Andy ... We do? I thought we rented it months ago.
Leyley Yup. Mom said to just keep it at this point, and never go back to that shop again.
Andy Ugh..... What short-term thinking...
Well, whatever. Deal.
Leyley Yessss!!!
Andy .... Why do you like this movie again?
Leyley Because I was told I can't watch it.
Andy Ahh.... Of course.
Well happy birthday, Leyley.
Leyley Hehee!! Thank you, thank you!
Andy I'll remind mom to put some money aside for you next year...
Leyley Nah, that's okay.
Andy .... Huh?
Leyley I think this birthday stuff is fucking stupid anyway.
Andy Watch your mouth, you little shit.
Leyley But it is! So what if it's been another year?
It's all nonsense anyway......…
Who cares.
Andy Well, I for one.
Leyley Then that makes a grand total of one person who cares.
Andy Fine. I'll just buy you something on my own then.
And I happen to like these sad lemon muffins, so guess what you'll get next year too.
Leyley HahHhaA!!
What if they stop making them?
Andy They won't. But if they do, I'll make my own just to spite you.
Your existence will forever be celebrated with lemon flavored dough and preservatives!!
Leyley GOD!! No, no!! At least get the chocolate ones!!
Andy What? You like those better? Why didn't you say so at the store??
Leyley I thought you wanted the lemon ones?!
Andy Only because I thought you liked them????
Leyley No! And didn't you just say you like them?!
Andy I was lying so you could keep playing coy!
Leyley .... Pfft!
Andy Haha!! Okay, sorry. I'll get the chocolate ones next time.
Leyley Nah, these are growing on me.
Thanks, Andy! You're my favorite lemon muffin!
Andy So you pretend to like me? Nice, nice.
Leyley HAhaHa!!
Andy Wish for something.
Leyley I wish my brother loses all his friends and never finds love!
Andy ........... Wow. Thanks?
Leyley Hehee! You're welcome.
Andy ..................................

Go to Arrival.


Character Dialogue
Ashley Hah. The good ol' bad times.
Interact with door.
Ashley There's still more!? I thought this way would take me home.
AND GOOD GOD!! I am so sick of these fucking flowers!!
Step on all the flowers.
Andrew Ashley..?
Ashley Andy!! Is that you?
Help!! Get me out of this shithole!!!!!
Andrew C'mon, wake up.... It's not funny.
Do something!! Help me!
Ashley . . .. .. .. ... .... . .. . . . . ... Ugh...
Andrew Oh, thank god....!
I was a hair away from taking you to the hospital........
Ashley Huh? Why?? That would screw us over, wouldn't it?
Andrew You wouldn't wake up no matter what I did!
God, Ashley! Don't scare me like that...
Ashley Ugh... What time is it?
Andrew Like ten in the morning or something.
Mom and dad should be at work
So.... Whenever you're ready, I guess....
Ashley .... You're only being nice now because you treated me like shit last night.
Andrew I treated you the way you deserved to be treated.
Or actually, no. Scratch that.
Considering you kept pushing me around all day, I think I was pretty fucking lenient with you.
Ashley .........
Andrew ......... Sigh.
So anyway. This episode is titled: Andrew and Ashley and the Home Sweet Home Invasion.
Ashley What kind of knock-off cash grab show is that? I'm not interested!
Andrew Well it's definitely about cash grabbing.
Ashley HAHAH!!
I- I mean boo!! No thank you.
Andrew No, I saw that! You're into it. Let's go.
Ashley Nooooo, it sucks! Hahah!!
But I'm so nice that I'll roll with it for now.
Ashley Why on earth are we at some park?
Andrew Free parking, that's' why.
Mom and dad live somewhere down this slope.
Interact with sign.
Narrator Welcome to the Bumfuck Nowhere National Park!
Interact with ice cream stand.
Narrator The ice cream stand only operates during the height of the summer season.

Breaking in

Character Dialogue
Ashley This can't be the right place.
Look at how nice everything is.
Andrew No, it's gotta be this. She did sound happy when she talked about their new place too...
Ashley What's their last name anyway?
Andrew What do you mean "what's their last name"!?
Ashley The nameplates on the doors! Did they go with dad's name or mom's??
Andrew ... Dad's name, right? Why would they change that at this point..?
Ashley I don't know... To throw us off?
Andrew You really make it sound like they don't want us to find them....
Ashley Just a feeling I got.
Andrew ......
Ashley Well whatever. Let's find the house of Mr. and Mrs. Graves.
Narrator Grayson.
Narrator Smiths.
Narrator Ugly Van McHideous.
Narrator Shitterson.
Narrator Jones.
Ashley A-ha! Here we go.
Andrew D-don't just knock--!!
Narrator No one comes to open the door.
Ashley Alright. All good.
Andrew ............ Whatever. Let's just find a way in.
Ashley They've got a garden and everything.
Andrew Doesnt matter. We'll fill our pockets, and go.
Ashley Oh! I think this window is open.
Andrew Can you reach it?
Ashley Nope.
Narrator Here grow some tasty onions.
Narrator Here grow some scrumptious carrots.
Narrator Here grow some palatable potatoes.
Narrator You check under the flowerpot...
Got Key!!
There is fuck-all under the flowerpot.
Narrator Some suprisingly heavy rocks.
Ashley Argh!! It's still too high!
Lift me up.
Andrew Well?
Ashley Ugh, no good. It's open, but held in place by a latch that's on the other side of the window.
Dammit... My fingers can't reach to unhook it.
Interact again.
Andrew I'll push you up after you've opened the latch.
Ashley You're just looking for an excuse to touch my ass.
Andrew I-- Okay, two things…
First of all, no.
Secondly, like I'd need an excuse!?
Ashley HahHAHa!!
Andrew Now hurry up and find something before I slap you.
Ashley On my ass or the face?
Andrew That, m'lady, I'll let you find out.
Ashley Ugh, so it's the face.... Fine. I'll find something to unhook the latch with.
Interact again.
Narrator You need something to unhook the latch with.
Ashley Let's see, let's see.
Narrator Andrew helps you climb in through the now open window.
Ashley Give me your hand. I'll pull you up!
Andrew Thanks, but I'd much rather you just open a door for me.
Ashley Oh yeah. That would be easier.....
Narrator Renovations are afoot.
Narrator You turn the handle but no water comes out.
Narrator There's no water inside the toilet bowl. I recommend you don't try to use this one.
Ashley Welcome, welcome!
Andrew Thank you.
Ashley Not so fast!
Andrew ...????
Ashley Now what do we say?
Andrew ..... Thank you very much?
Ashley Wrong! Try again.
Andrew ................................
Exceptionally well done! That was an earth shattering performance!
Ashley Yes!
Andrew To think you'd open a door so swiftly, and with such grace!
Stunning, marvelous, breath-taking. These are but a few words I'd use to describe your ability to trespass.
May I come in now?
Ashley You may.
Andrew Great. Then let's split up. I want to get out of here as fast as possible.
Ashley Uhh, hey.... There was something I was wondering about...
Andrew Right now?? Can't it wait? Our situation is kind of time sensitive......
Ashley Well it can, I guess......
Andrew Good. Then tell me later.
Ashley .....................

House robbery

Character Dialogue
Interact with Andrew.
Andrew Notice how there aren't any photos of us here?
Ashley So what?
Andrew I guess I'm a little offended...
Ashley It's not like there were any pictures in general in our last place either.
Andrew True... But now that there are some, why not of us too?
Ashley Guess we're just too ugly to be put on display.
Andrew Right. Maybe that's it.
Andrew And you're supposed to be robbing the house! Get to it!!
Narrator It's the phone your mother never calls you with!
Andrew The dresser is locked.
Ashley You don't even wanna know what your parents have been up to on this bed.
Narrator Inside the closet are cloths.
As well as.... toys.... and some rope.
Ashley ....................
Narrator You close the closet.
Narrator The closet is full of interesting stuff you wish not to touch.
Narrator Nope.
Ashley A fireplace! They have a goddamn fireplace, Andrew!
Andrew ...... Yes?
Ashley This is some rich people stuff! Who has a fireplace inside their house??
Andrew ......... It's not that uncommon, is it?
Ashley Not in older houses anyway.
Andrew But is this house old??
Ashley Fuck if I know ......
Narrator There's not much in the fridge right now.
Narrator Kitchen knives.
Narrator A cutting board.
Narrator A dish rack and a blender.
Narrator A sink.
Narrator The pot is empty.
Narrator A coffee machine.
Narrator A cooking book. It's mostly broths and stew recipes.
Narrator Interact with front door.
Letter "Sorry to hear about what happened with the kids. I agree it was probably a blessing in disguise."
"Don't feel guilty, it's not your fault. Lord has sorted it for you."
"PS. Since Andrew won't be finishing college, is there any chance my daughter could have his textbooks?"
"Those are so ridiculously expensive... Thanks in advance! Much love to you and your husband!
Ashley ... You never told me you dropped out?
Andrew I didn't. It was just on pause until I got out of quarantine.
Ashley ......... Though given the situation right now, I guess I did drop out.
Andrew Well tough luck for their daughter. Your textbooks are in ashes now.
Narrator Yet they've somehow managed to hoard all this stuff, and a spare bed to boot!
Money is clearly no longer an issue.
And the extra bed implies there are no issues in their social life either...
Narrator A washing machine, and a tumble dryer.
Narrator Your parents are living it up!
Narrator Cleaning supplies, such as Vinegar.
Narrator Dirty laundry. Right at the top sits some sexy lingerie.
How uncomfortable.
Narrator An excellent quality mop!
Narrator The floor drain seems a little clogged up, but it's not your problem.
Narrator Unlike the toilet upstairs, this one actually works.
Narrator A functioning toilet.
Narrator On the table lay some documents about purchasing a house.
There's also a key...
Got Dresser Key.
Narrator A metal box full of screwdrivers…
Narrator Christmas decorations, including a string of lights.
Narrator Christmas stuff. Mostly candles.
Narrator Rubber gloves.
Interact with Andrew in the bedroom.
Andrew ............... Our parents seem to have picked up some new and exciting hobbies.
Ashley Tell me more.
Andrew I, uhhh.... don't think I will.....
But now it makes sense why mom kept hassling us to move out....
Interact again.
Andrew I can't find the key to that dresser anywhere...
Andrew Oh, you found the key! Nice.
What's in there?
Narrator There is no sight of any jewelry, but you spot some paperwork.
It reads:
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Graves, you have opted in for compensation for damages caused by our company's error."
"Our representative will be glad to meet with you. Please come discuss the matter further at your earliest convenience."
Flipping through the folder, something catches your eye.
It is the death certificates of Ashley and Andrew Graves.
Ashley Huh.
Andrew ....HUH?!?!?!?!
Ashley I didn't know we died three months ago.
Andrew What the hell is this???
Ashley I guess that explains why mom kept telling me not to call.
It must've been spooky getting phone calls from a ghost!
Andrew That's--
Narrator Someone has entered the house.
Andrew Oh shit! Isn't this too early? They shouldn't be home yet!
Narrator You consider shooting whichever parent just came in.
But you can't offer the souls of the dead, so you hold off on that idea.
Mom ........ Is someone here??
Andrew H-HIIIII MOM!! It's just us!


Character Dialogue
Andrew Welcome hooooome!
Mom ....Andrew?
What are you doing here?
Andrew Surprise! We came for a visit!
Mom Oh.... I see.
Ashley How are you home so early? Did you get fired??
Mom It's my day off. I was just out shopping...
How did you two get inside?
Andrew You left the door unlocked. You should really be more careful about that.
Mom ..... Did I really?
Andrew Here. Let me help you with those groceries.
Mom Thanks..? You should've let me know you were coming...
Andrew How about some coffee? Where do you keep the grounds?
Mom In the top cupboard... But what about the quarantine?
Andrew Any milk in yours?
Mom ...................... Sure. Let me just go wash my face.
Ashley ........ What the hell are you doing.
Andrew Just play along for now ..... Please.
Ashley Guess I'll make some coffee...
Interact with purse.
Narrator Got a bit of cash!
It's nowhere near enough for you.
Interact with mom.
Mom ...... Hi sweetheart.
Ashley Why did you stop answering my calls?
Mom Ashley, I can't spend my entire life listening to you complain.
Ashley The least you could've done was mail us some dry food or something!!
Mom What for? You were taken care of.
Ashley You're still spinning that bullshit!?
Mom Sigh.... Shouldn't you be bothering Andrew by now?
Ashley At least he gives a shit.
Mom Cry about it.
Interact again
Narrator Mom is busy treating her work uniform.
Interact with Andrew.
Narrator He's putting away groceries.
Interact with grocery bag.
Narrator Meat. Wine... Looks like your parents had a night planned.
Narrator A dish rack and a blender.
Narrator You brew some coffee.
Mom So I saw the fire on the news...
What happened?
Ashley What do you care??
Andrew Well, first we got evacuated. After that they gave us the go-ahead to leave.
Since we've been cleared of the parasites anyway.
Mom Huh. Interesting...
On the news they said everyone died.
Andrew That would certainly make the story sell more...
Anyway, here we are now. Neither burnt or full of parasites!
Mom .... I'm just glad you're safe.
Ashley Yeah, yousure look like it ......…
Andrew S-so!! Uhh... Quite the upgrade from our previous place, huh??
Where'd you get the money for this place? Did you finally win the lottery?
Mom Ha! I wish.
This house needs some serious repairs, but the area is so worth it, don't you think?
Andrew (The perfect non-answer...)
Mom They even hold barbeque events here with the neighbors!
Barbecue events! Just like on TV.
I thought that was all bullshit, but no. They actually do that stuff here.
Andrew Bet you stick out like a sore thumb.
Mom You'd be surprised! I'm actually quite well liked.
Though it's probably all thanks to my cooking skills.
Andrew It's a shame our Ashley didn't inherit any.
Ashley Hey!! What the hell??
Mom Hahaha!
Narrator The rest of the conversation is dreadfully boring.
You don't contribute anything to it, because you can't keep up with Andrew's lies.
And if you're being honest, you don't want to talk to your mother in the first place...
Mom Well it was good seeing you....
Your father should be coming home soon, so I really need to start making some dinner.
Andrew Oh no, don't worry about it. I'll make something.
Narrator You know full well that was her way of telling you to get lost.
Andrew Umm... Oh boy! I can't wait to hear how dad has been.
He must have aaaaaaaall kinds of stories about repairing this place.
Mom That's true...
Andrew Anyway, why don't you go rest? I'll fix us something.
Mom Sigh....
I'll take you up on that. Thank you....
Narrator Mother leaves.
You are Andrew!

Family dinner

You are Andrew!

Character Dialogue
Narrator Somehow your burglary attempt ended up with you cooking your victims dinner.
Go ahead then. Make something. You smooth talker, you.
Narrator Inside the fridge is some meat. You could probably make something out of that, if you knew what.
Narrator You browse the cooking book for some recipes.
Ashley ......................
Andrew What? I got this. You can go do whatever.
Ashley I'm alright.............
Andrew ......... What is it?
Ashley It's nothing .................…
Narrator You're struck with an odd urge to pull this broody bitch into your arms, and force her to stay until she smiles.
But you push such an idea to the back of your mind.
Where it may fester with all the other thoughts you wish you never had.
Either way, you let her hover over you for now.
Narrator Found a Simple Soup Recipe!
You'll need: Meat, Carrots, Potatoes, Onions.
Narrator Chop everything up, and boil in a pot!
System You got Potatoes!
Ashley How nice that our parents had all these fresh ingredients.
While we languished in our apartment.
Really makes one appreciate just how much they love us.
Andrew C'mon... We'll get ours.
We just have to figure out how to go about this, now that she's seen us....
Ashley Leave no witnesses.
Andrew ......... Let's not jump to that just yet.
Ashley ......... I fucking knew it.
Andrew Please just let me think. I'll figure out something, alright?
Ashley ............................
Narrator You get the feeling she has something more to say.
But you can tell whatever it is, it's going to start an argument.
So you leave it be for now.
System Got Carrots!
System Got Onions!
Ashley Just curious... Did you just use the Cultist's cleaver to cut all the ingredients.
Andrew Yes. Why?
Ashley ........ I hope you washed it first
Andrew I've kept it clean, obviously!
Anyway, that should be all the ingredients...
Narrator You throw the ingredients in the pot and wait.
Ashley ........................
Narrator Alright, you can't take this anymore.
Andrew .... Ashley, I can tell something is up.
Spit it out.
Ashley I have something to tell you
But first you have to promise you'll agree.
Andrew I will absolutely not promise that.
Ashley Okay then. Nevermind.
Andrew Stop being annoying. What is it?
Ashley Ugh, you're going to be such a bitch about it.........
I really wanted you to come to this conclusion yourself...
But since you won't, let me spell it out for you...
We have to kill mom and dad.
Andrew Sighhhhhhhh............
Ashley No. No! None of that.
I actually need their souls to recharge the clairvoyance dream thingy!
Andrew Do you really? Or are you just saying that??
Ashley Huhhhh???
Andrew Pretty fucking interesting that you'd mention this now of all times.
Ashley I did try to tell you before! But you blew me off!!
And again, I was hoping you'd come around on your own.
Shame on me for expecting anything from you...
Andrew ............ Let me think about it.
Ashley What's there to think about??
Dad Hey kids. It's good to see you...
Narrator Says dad with all the enthusiasm of a dead fish.
One extremely tiresome dinner later.........
Dad Phew, that was a riveting conversation.
What did we talk about again?
Anyway, I'm sorry, kids. I'm exhausted from work.
I'm heading straight to bed.
Mom Could you two clean up?
Narrator She leaves without waiting for an answer.
System Picked up Dishes!
System Picked up Dishes!
Interact with sink.
Andrew ............ It can't be done.
Ashley The dishes, the robbing, or the killing?
Andrew Robbing nor killing! The more I think about it, the less doable this is...
It takes one report to the authorities to put us on their radar.
And if anything happens to our parents, who do you reckon are the prime suspects?
Ashley Well surely not their two dead kids.
Andrew But were those documents even official?
Ashley Well even then, surely the poor Graves siblings perished in the fire.
Andrew Trust me, it only takes one person to start digging into it...
And suddenly we've not only alerted them we're alive, but also revealed our recent whereabouts.
We're better off mugging random strangers who have no connection to us...
Ashley And what makes you so sure this bitch won't snitch on us anyway??
Seems to me she already sold us off once before!
Andrew I mean, assuming she believed me earlier, there'd be no reason for her to do anything.
She's the kind of person who'd rather stay out of it anyway.
Ashley I fucking knew it. I knew it! I knew it!
Andrew ...W-what?
Ashley You're all about being soooooooooooo careful....
But when push comes to shove, you stick your head in the sand!
Hell, since you think everything is all good, why not stay here and play happy family some more??
Bet you'd like that, huh?? You seemed to get along so nice.
Andrew ........................... You know I'm only keeping up appearances, right?
And so is she.
Ashley Felt to me it was the same as ever...
Andrew Ashley, are you kidding me?
Ashley ..............................
Andrew ................ Okay.
Listen, I chose you, didn't I?
I chose you.
So if anyone is playing happy family here, it's you and me.
Ashley So you're saying you're not happy? Not that I didn't know that already.
Andrew Fuck off with that. That's not what I said.
If you'd keep your end of the agreement, everything would be just peachy.
Ashley I've been behaving.
Andrew No you haven't, but that's not what I'm talking about anyway.
Ashley I agreed to behave, and you agreed it's just us now.
Andrew Funny. Because I remember agreeing to bury Andy and Leyley.
Ashley That is funny. I think you're misremembering.
Andrew I'm not, because it's the only reason I'm here in the first place.
Ashley Then you must've misunderstood me.
Andrew .........................
Ashley ....................... What?
If you don't like it, why don't you stay here with mommy and daddy and be a good little murder boy?
Why don't you leave me to rot? Clearly you don't even like me!
Andrew You're the one who doesn't like me...
It's all about Andy with you.
Well guess what? Andy is dead.
Ashley ...........................
.......... You're right.
I really don't like Andrew.
Andrew ...................................... I'm sorry to hear that.
Because Andrew is all you'll get.
It--- N-now isn't the time for this anyway.
Let's just leave. I'll figure out what we'll do about the money and the trinket.
Ashley If we're leaving anyway. With the trinket charged, we'd at least have the means to stay safe...
Andrew I-... I get that, but if we leave quietly, thered be no need for anyone to look for us...
Ashley Andrew, I don't believe for a second that woman can keep her mouth shut without being dead.
Mom A-HEM!!
What are you two whispering about?
Andrew Nothing... Did you need something?
Mom Just like peas in a pod...
Andrew ?????
Mom I don't suppose you've gotten any friends you could go stay with?
Andrew ....Oh.
Mom There isn't enough space in this house.
Narrator Despite it being far larger than the last one.
Mom And you're both already in your twenties.
I don't know how else to say it.
Andrew No, no. It's--...
Ashley Yeah, we're not fucking planning on living here. Thanks for the invitation though.
Mom It's not like you're unwelcome to visit.
There's just no room to keep housing you indefinitely.
Andrew Yeah, I get it...
Mom But since you're already here, I guess one night won't be a problem....
But you need to start looking for somewhere else to stay first thing in the morning.
...... And it should probably be two separate places.
Andrew .....................................
Ashley That's a tall order after all our earthly possessions just burned to the ground.
Mom It's amazing what money can buy, once you have a job.
Speaking of which, I have a morning shift tomorrow.
There's a spare bed in the basement.
Andrew, you can take the couch.
Andrew Alright. Good night.
Mom Good night.
Andrew ...........
Mom ................
........... WELL?? Aren't you going to bed??
Andrew I'm not that tired yet, so--
Mom You are under my roof right now, and you will go to your designated sleeping areas immediately.
Andrew Uhh..?
Narrator You pretend to go to bed until your parents fall asleep.

Andrew's dream

Character Dialogue
Narrator Going to bed is the worst.
During the day, all the noise, and Ashley's never-ending bullshit, keeps your mind occupied.
But at night, alone with your thoughts, there's nothing to distract yourself.
Despite having every intention of going to pick a fight with Ashley, you drift off to sleep...
Hath thou arrived to borrow sweet granules of sugar?
Behold, as thou may witness, naught but flesh doth I possess to present unto thee.
Narrator All ghosts are apparently required to speak like this. Yes, even the recently passed ones.
You read too much poetry...
Cultist Be alert, young Mr. Graves!
Tis time for you to CoMpARtmEntALizE!
Narrator The pan is empty.
Andrew Oh, right... Ashley already cooked one...........
The candle holder is empty.
The door has no handle, nor will it budge.
Andrew What are you doing here?
Leyley I--!
Andrew Actually, no. Don't answer. I don't care.
Get lost. You're not supposed to exist anymore.
Leyley Says who? You??
You're not the boss of me, Andy!
Andrew Forget this....
Andrew Stop following me you little shit!
Leyley HahaHhaHA!!
Leyley Ohh, it sure is dark that way.
Good think I have these candles.
Andrew Great. Hand them over.
Leyley Hah! No way.
Andrew ...............
Option Ask nicely.
Kill her.
Andrew May I have
Leyley Nope!
Andrew .................. And why is that?
Leyley Because I only have so many left!
And if my lemon muffin has no candles, I can't pretend it's a cake anymore.
Andrew Just eat it then?
That way you can pretend you ate the cake and won't need the candles anymore.
Leyley It's too precious to eat! God, you're such a tool today!!
Andrew Okay, whatever.........
Leyley Ooh! Let me get that.
Narrator Leyley places a candle on the candle holder.
Nothing happens.
Leyley You're welcome.
Narrator You used your Lighter to light the Candle!
Narrator White noise
Even in your dreams, the entertainment sucks.
Leyley So what do you wanan play today?
Andrew Nothing. Go to bed.
Leyley BORING!!
Andrew I don't care. Go to sleep. And never wake up again.
Leyley I don't wanna sleep! I wanna draw!!
Andrew Draw then! Just don't leave this spot.
Leyley I can't draw without my coloring pencils!!
Andrew Sigh......
Leyley Well... If I nick myself I can get red.
Andrew ......................... I'll get you your pencils.
Leyley Thanks Andy! You're the best!!
Narrator You've reduced yourself to an errand boy for a Leyley that doesn't even exist.
Way to go loser.
System Got some Colored Pencils.
Narrator Someone stares inside the room with an unblinking gaze.
Interact with trashcan.
Narrator The trash is full of letters.
Mostly death threaths.
Interact with clipboard.
Narrator A collection of photos and notes your girlfriend cherishes.
Or your ex-girlfriend used to cherish. You're pretty sure you wouldn't be up there anymore.
Narrator It's your ex-lover's dormitory room.
Phone You have 127 missed phone calls.
Narrator Oh hell no. You are not listening to all that.
???? Look, I dont know what your fucking problem is...
Narrator The audio has been distorted, but youd recognize that voice anywhere.
Ashley I told you to fuck off!! I warned you!
Do you think you're all that? Do you think you're somehow special?
You're just another hole! And you're not even the only one!!
He's got a slew of floozies juuuuust like you.
Enjoy what you have, because you're well on your way out by now!
Ashley The only reason he's with you is because he feels sorry for you!
You're just some ugly cunt with a dead best friend.
Hurry up and **** yourself!!
And when you get to hell, ask your friend what happened to her!
HAhHahHAHAH!! Bet you'd be-- Hahah!!
You'd be so surprised.
Fucking die, you worthless piece of shit slut. Go slit your wrist some more!
And this time do it proper.
Just because you can fuck him and I can't?
You think that's love?! Are you fucking delusional??
Cumdumpsters like you are just that. He will never love you.
Not like he loves me.
I am the only one.
I am everything.
I am the secrets you'll never hear.
When he lies in bed at night, and when he needs someone to hold on to...
It's not you he seeks out.
It is me.
Narrator That's enough of that.
Interact with closet.
Narrator What do you hope to find in there? Pervert.
Interact with Julia
Go back to Leyley's room

Flashback: Julia

Character Dialogue
Andrew ....................... Julia.
Andrew You've been quiet all day. What's up?
Julia N-no, it's...... it's nothing.........
Or actually, I've been thinking about something a lot lately.
But I don't know if I should bring it up........
Andrew With that much build-up, you kinda have to now...
Julia Ahaha........ W-well okay.... But please don't get mad.
Andrew (When have I ever once even raised my voice with her????)
You know you can tell me everything.
Julia I, uhh... talked to my sister about what you said the other day.
And she agrees with me... that maybe it's--....
Like maybe it'd be better for Ashley to learn some independence...
Even if just for her own sake... You know?
Andrew .................
Julia And maybe... for our sake too?
I think it'd just be nice if you could stay over more often....
And not like ...... always cut things short or cancel on me so much............
Andrew Sorry.
Julia I-I'm not reprimanding you.
Andrew I can't make her learn anything though...
Julia N-no... But you could.... like, y'know.... not always go when she asks.....
Andrew If your sister needed something, wouldn't you go?
Julia Well yes, but she only asks if she actually needs something......
Andrew ......... I suppose.
Julia Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said that.
Or brought this up after all......
Andrew No, no. It's fine.
I guess I'm still shook up over what happened to your friend way back when.
Ashley might not look like it, but I think it affected her a lot too.
So that's probably why she is how she is...
Julia ...... I really don't get that impression at all.
Andrew For someone so obnoxious, she's surprisingly difficult to read, isn't she?
Julia *Mutter mutter* She's difficult in general......
Andrew Sorry, I didn't catch that?
Julia N-no! Nothing. Go on.
Andrew Anyway I worry about something like that happening to her.
Or happening to you.
So I can't let either of you out of my sight!
Julia Hehee!
I'll be fine if you're with me!
Andrew ................
............... Would you tie your hair up for me?
Julia Ohh, heck no! You'll pull on it again!
Andrew HahaHHAh!!
Aww, but don't you know it's how boys show their love??
Julia Well that's just awful! Hehe!!
Andrew (........ I suppose she still lingers.)
(It hasn't been that long. I just kind of forgot about her with all the chaos going on.)
Narrator You'll never see her again.
And the fact that it doesn't really bother you, bothers you.

Leyley's coloring pencils

Character Dialogue
Leyley Yesss!! Thank you!
What should I draw??
Andrew I wouldn't want to hinder your artistic genius with my bad ideas.
Leyley Hmm... Good call.
Well whatever. As a thank you, I'll give you a candle!
Treat it carefully, as if it were me!!
Andrew I'm lighting it on fire.
Leyley ......... Not cool.
Andrew That's flames for you.
Leyley BhAHhAHAhh!! Boo! You suck.
System Got a candle.
Interact with Leyley.
Narrator Leyley is focused on drawing.
Interact with corpse.
Narrator Ashley would've wanted to kill this one anyway.
You couldn't leave any witnesses after all.
Still, you can't comprehend why there hasn't even a mention of her on the news.
Surely someone found her before the fire burned the apartment down.
Is there an investigation going on?
Can this be linked back to you??
Other than that, it doesn't bother you.
interact with warden's corpse.
Narrator You killed this one to protect Ashley.
No regrets.
Back when he and his buddies still fed you, this one was always leering at her.
Nevermind, there is one regret.
You wish you could've killed him slower.
Interact with hitman's corpse.
Narrator This one you had to get before he got you.
It worries you someone wanted you dead badly enough to hire this guy.
Interact with closet.
System Found Ashley in the closet!
Andrew There you are, you menace.
Ashley Tadaaaaah!
Andrew I'm missing that limb you cooked.
I figured you'd have it.
Ashley It's in your stomach, right? And mine.
Are you going to cut me up to get it?
Andrew I'd rather not...
Ashley What do you need it for anyway?
There's plenty of limbs right behind you.
Andrew ..................... That's true.
Interact again.
Andrew So are you coming out of there?
Ashley You're supposed to ask Leyley to come out and play.
Andrew I'm asking for Ashley.
Ashley Then I'm not coming.............
Andrew Suit yourself.
Interact with a corpse.
System Got a Severed Limb.
Cultist Well met, young Graves!
Dost thou reckon that my mortal frame was consumed by the flames?
Forsooth, I do not.
Methinks the innards of a freezer doth not combust, perchance it may cook, but not burn? I knoweth not.
Verily, the most foolish deed thou hast ever committed was to leave mine own remains in thine own dwelling.
Praise the heavens that some soul sought to protect themselves and kindled a flame, which engulfed all.
Interact again.
Cultist Thee possesseth the absent limb!
Yet, it doth not belong to me.
Perchance, 'tis of little consequence to thee.
Interact with freezer.
System Placed all Severed Limbs in the freezer.
Narrator This reminds you of something.....
Interact with drawer.
Andrew . . .... .. . . . ... . . . .. . ...
Interact again.
Andrew .......... .................. ...............
Interact again

Flashback: Nina

Character Dialogue
Leyley Rise and shine, Nina!! Hahah!!
Did you have a fun night??
I sure hope you learned your lesson...
Narrator There is no answer.
Leyley Huh. Guess she's still sleeping.
Leyley kicks the crate.
Andy C'mon, don't....
Narrator You open the crate.
Andy ????
. . .. .... . .. .. . . .. . . .. .
Leyley Oh.... Oops.
Andy (Wait, wait. What......??? Why is she dead........ How did--...??)
What--.... T-that can't be right. What is going on...??
Leyley Whatever.
If you're so weak that you die just like that, then clearly nature doesn't want you to live.
Andy S-shut up! Just shut up!!
Leyley Forget this. Let's just leave her here.
Since you took the stick off, it looks like she went there on her own anyway.
Andy N-no it doesn't!!
Why would she have clawed at the crate until her finger nails split if she was there willingly?
Leyley Oh well.
It's not like anyone knows she's here. Let's just leave her.
Andy No! She'll--- it'll start rotting.
And-- and someone will come looking and find her...
I mean her family was already looking for her! It's only a matter of time until they come check here.
Leyley So what do we do then??
Andy Umm... I--....
Leyley Let's just hide it then.
Andy Wh-- huh?
If no one knows, then it's not a problem.
Andy They're gonna know, Leyley!
They'll find the body and they'll know!
And then they'll throw me in prison for the rest of my life!!
Leyley Me too! It's fine if it's the both of us.
Andy No! No, you fucking idiot! You don't get it, do you!?
Guys and girls don't go to the same prison! They're going to take you away from me!
Leyley How was I supposed to know that?!
You figure something out then, since you're so smart.
Andy O-okay, okay.... Let's just...
Uhh... like... move her somewhere.
Yes! A grave! Let's dig up a grave for her.
Leyley Alright! Where?
Andy Anywhere in the forest should be fine...
Leyley I mean there's a park right outside.
Andy Y-yeah! There is probably fine...
But first we need to wrap her up in something.
Because no one can see us carry her there...
Andy This will have to do...
System Got Tarp!
Narrator You wrap Nina's corpse inside the tarp and carry her away.
Leyley I couldn't find a shovel, but I figured these wooden planks work too.
I mean they're kinda shovel-y. Just watch for splinters.
Andy Splinters are the least of my worries right now...
Let's pick a good, easy to dig spot...
System Got a Wooden Plank!
Andy M-maybe here. There doesn't seem to be any roots in the way.
Leyley I'm tired...
Andy Yeah. This is way harder than I thought it would be.
Leyley Isn't this deep enough already?
Andy A grave should be six feet, right..?
Leyley Forget it!! She fits here just fine!
Andy ........ I-..... Okay fine....
Narrator You and Leyley push the body into its grave.
Andy Crap, this doesn't look natural at all...
Leyley Looks fine to me.
Andy No! There can't be this--.... this obvious of a spot! It needs to be hidden too.
Leyley Wanna hide it with some leaves and such?
Narrator Some more foliage is needed.
Leyley Oh yeah. This looks soooooooo much better.
Also this is all getting blown away by the next breeze.
Andy There's gotta be something in here to hold them in place.
Leyley Nice. Makes me want to write her name on it.
Andy Out of the question!!
Leyley I wasn't going to do it! I was just saying.
Andy ......... Sigh.
Leyley What is it now? She's hidden.
Andy What if they find her? What if a plice dog digs her up??
Leyley Listen! Forget it.
Andy I can't!
Leyley Of course you can.
Did you know that if you don't think about something for a really long time, it's like it never happened.
Because you can't remember it anymore.
Andy .................
Leyley Let's forget all about it!
Andy L-leyley. I need to know you won't say anything. To anyone.
Promise me this stays between us....
Leyley I just said we'll forget all about it!!
Andy You say one thing and do another!
Promise me that this time, you'll honest to god keep your mouth shut!!
Leyley I promise!!
I won't say anything! Hell, I'll never even say her name again!
What was it anyway? I don't remember anymore.
Andy Sigh...........
Leyley There, there.... It'll be fine.
Just kidding.
I'm gonna tell on you.
If you won't do what i say, I'll tell everyone all about what you did.
Andy .................. Who's going to play with you if I'm in jail?
Leyley I'll send you letters!
Andy I can't read your crappy handwriting
Leyley Guess you'll have to do what I say then.
Otherwise you'll be aaaaaall alone in prison.
Andy ................................
Leyley I am your best friend from now on.
Andy You already were, Leyley...
Leyley Don't lie to me!
Andy I'm not... I think.
Leyley Whatever. It's you and me now! No one else will like you.
Because you're bad.
Andy .............
Leyley You're a bad person, Andy.
But I won't tell anyone.
Andy Of course not. You'd be in trouble too.
Leyley So what? No one likes me anyway.
But that's fine, because you'll be around now.
Andy God! You stupid, stupid girl. I've been here this whole time.......
None of this needed to happen, you could've just--
Andy ...............
Leyley Andy, I know!
But that doesn't matter anymore. Because from now on, no one will like you either!
So let's always be friends. Okay?
Andy ..............
Leyley Be my friend. Or else.
Andy Sighhhhh......
I'll be whatever you want me to be
Leyley Really!?!?
Then from now on, let's always be together!!
Narrator You had a million things you wanted to say to this creature. None of which were pleasant
But absolutely nothing came out of your mouth.
Narrator Several days went by without a hitch.
Andy .......................................
Leyley Can I eat your ice cream?
Andy Go for it...
Leyley Huh?? Really???
Andy I can't seem to eat anything lately......
Leyley *Nom nom* Why do they have to put this jam thing in strawberry ice cream? It's gross.
I wish there was no jam.
Narrator You wish you had the capacity to care.
Andy .......... Has anyone asked you anything about ..... things?
Leyley Yeah. My teacher asked everyone in class. Some officers came by too.
Andy And... did you say anything?
Leyley Nope! I only asked Julia if she was expecting to see anyone the other day.
Andy ................... Why?
Leyley Y'know, because a certain someone told her mom she went to study with Julia??
So I thought maybe she told Julia she was gonna come see you instead.
Andy ........... Well did she?
Leyley I dunno, because I didn't wanna just come out and ask.
But Julia said she was visiting family that day, so I doubt she had any idea.
Andy Your promises mean fucking nothing....
Leyley Huh?!?! Why are you being so cold to me???
You're worse than you were before, jackass!
Andy I gave you my ice cream, yet I'm a jackass?
Leyley Ah, wait! I see how it is!!
You're still pining for that bitch!
Andy (Here we fucking go again......)
Leyley She's dead, yet you're still all about her, aren't you!?
Narrator It is never good enough.
Leyley What a snake! I bet she died on purpose!!
Andy (.... I need a knife.)
Leyley Huh?? Where are you going???
Narrator You pick a knife from the sink and give it aquick wash.
System Got Kitchen Knife!
Narrator Someone is being interviewed on TV...
TV: Mark Your success story is such an inspiration to us all.
Before starting your soda company, you used to be a surgeon, isn't that right?
TV: ToxiSoda That's right, Mark. I am actually a doctor.
So trust me. One can of ToxiSoda a day, keeps me far, far away, heh heh!
TV: Mark When a doctor tells me to indulge, how can i not? Haha!
Surely it's only up from here. What plans do you have for the future?
TV: ToxiSoda Well, first of all... With such a great demand, comes a great need for water.
Which is why I've partnered up with several water distribution companies.
I hope this is the start of a long-lasting friendship. We're--
Narrator The people on TV ramble on and on...
You're relieved there's absolutely nothing about any dead girls being found...
Interact with milk.
Andy .............................
Leyley ......... What are you doing with that knife?
Narrator Briefly you wonder if killing her would be worth it.
Andy I'm going to make a blood oath with you.
But in return, you'll have to promise me something too.
Leyley ..... Ooookay?
Andy Keep my secret, and I'll keep you company.
Leyley And what if I don't?
Andy Guess.
Leyley Haha! You're all bark. You wouldn't do anything.
Andy If you'll ruin my life anyway, what reason is there for me to keep up appearances?
More-over I'm doing this for you.
Leyley Then what happens if you break the promise?
Andy I won't if you won't.
Leyley I'm not buying that.
Andy Leyley, you are a miserable, loathsome being that has wormed its way into every aspect of my life.
And for that, my heart will always have a rotten, moldy sore spot just for you.
Make of that what you will.
Leyley I mean, I'll take it. But sheesh...
ACK-!? Gently, you asshole!!!
Andy How does one cut someone gently?
Leyley A better man would know!
Andy Whatever...
And thus, she forever keeps her mouth shut.
Leyley Only as long as you keep your eyes closed!
Andy Hm?
Leyley Let no hussie steal your gaze. It's just us now!
Andy I said I'd be around, I never said there wouldn't be others.
Leyley AH!? Wait! No!! I want a do-over!!
Andy Too late. A promise is a promise.
Leyley Andy!! That's not fair!
Andy Aww, don't be like that. I'll make you a priority, just not the only--
Leyley It's not enough! Why can't you just--
Kill our parents.
Andy ????????
Narrator Hold on, that's not what she said back then.
Ashley Do it for your cute little sister. I know you want to.
Kill them to solve all your problems.
Kill them to feel something.
Kill them for food!
Kill them to avoid the things I'll do to you if you don't.
Andrew ............ What is that supposed to mean?

Night rendeavous

Character Dialogue
Ashley Look who's awake! Good morning.
Or night. It's still night-time.
Andrew What do you want, you little creep??
Ashley To offer mom and dad to the demon.
Andrew Right now?
Ashley Right now. While they're asleep. We'll set the ritual up and do it.
Andrew .................
Ashley I've given you plenty enough time to figure this out, yet you haven't.
So now we're doing it my way.
Andrew ............................... Okay.
Ashley !!!
Oh my. My efforts were far more effective than I thought!
Welcome back, Andy.
Andrew That's not it.
But you have a point that mom might snitch on us.
I knew that even before we got out of our apartment...
I don't know why I let myself think anything else after talking to her...
Ashley It's because at your core, you're just a soft, gooey marshmallow.
If it weren't for me, all kinds of vile women would've gobbled you up already.
Andrew Hahah! What are you doing??
Ashley A demonstration.
Andrew God, you're so fucking dumb. I should--
Mom Andrew..? Are you still awake?
Andrew Y-yeah. Why are you still up? I thought you had work tomorrow...
Mom I wanted to talk to you without Ashley.
Andrew .... It's not really a good time right now.
Mom Look, I know it's late. But this is important.
Andrew I've been thinking things over, and I believe I owe you an explanation...
Mom That's alright, I don't really need to know... I'm really tired...
Andrew, I understand if you're angry, but at least listen.
The whole situation with Ashley was--
............... Oh.
Ashley OHHHHH! Go on, mom. Don't mind lil ol' me!
Mom ...........................
Andrew . . .... . .. . . .. . .. . .
Mom .... For the love of god, this had better not be what it looks like.
Ashley Haha!! Whatever. How does this look to you?
Mom W-where'd you get---??
Ashley What's it looking like now mom?
Andrew A-ashley, c'mon...
Mom Ashley... Put that away. There's no need for this...
Ashley Be quiet and start walking.
We're going to the basement.
And don't get any funny ideas, because I will shoot.
Andrew, go get a rope or something. I'm tying this bitch up.
And don't kill dad.
Narrator You did not need to be told that.
Andrew ...... Sigh.

The cellar

Character Dialogue
Interact with Ashley.
Ashley Don't move. Don't scream. I will shoot.
Mom Why are you doing this?
Ashley Don't talk either. Just shut up and wait.
Interact again.
Ashley Why are you here? Did you find anything to tie her up with yet?
Ashley Hurry up and find some rope.
Interact with mom.
Ashley Andrew.
Andrew I'm just checking if she has something on her...
Ashley Well does she?
Andrew No...
Interact again.
Ashley Andrew!!
Andrew What?? I'm still looking for something to tie her up with.
Ashley Look elsewhere.
Don't talk to her
Get away from her.
Don't even look her way!
Andrew Oh, c'mon...
Ashley I can't trust you not to get all misty eyed!
Andrew Eat shit, Ashley...
Ashley Whatever, marshmallow spine. Go get that fucking rope or whatever already.
Ashley Beloved, don't test me........................
Andrew O-okay, okay...... Sorry.
Narrator You get the sense that whatever trust she had in you is quickly eroding...
Interact with dad.
Dad Quite the heavy sleeper, this one.
Interact with closet
Narrator There's some rope in the closet. Along with other.... equipment.
Andrew ........... (I wonder if this is fine.)
Narrator As you untangle the rope from everything else...
Andrew Ah, shit!
Narrator Nice one, butter fingers.
Dad Son..?
What on earth are you doing?
Andrew Err, sorry, I uhh.... needed to, uhh....
Narrator There is absolutely no good explanation as to why you're rummaging through their sex toys.
And the truth "I want to tie mom up" doesn't sound any better.
Andrew .......... I want to fuck myself??????
Narrator Oh yeah, that'll do.
Dad ......................... Where's your mother?
Andrew She went to get something from the basement.
Actually I think she could use some help...
Narrator Confused, your father goes to check up on your mother.
System Got Rope!
Narrator Maybe you should hang yourself with it?
Narrator You take out your Cleaver...
Dad Andrew! W-weren't you supposed to be masturbating?
Andrew Just walk down!
Slow and steady.
Narrator You tie your father up with the rope.
You can't help but notice some old rope burns on his wrists...
Better not to dwell on it, as you'd rather not visualize how they came to be.
Got Christmas Lights!
Narrator You tied your mom up using Christmas Lights!
So this is what your life has come to....
Ashley Alright, good.
Now do you remember how to perform the ri--
Andrew Hold up.
Mom, what's the pin for your credit card?
Mom ........ Is that what this is about? Money??
You'd go this far just for a quick buck?
Andrew What's the pin, and where's the card itself?
Mom ...... It's in my purse.
Narrator She tells you the pin, and you scribble it down on a note.
Andrew Okay. Then I'm gonna go and try this now.
Ashley, you stay here and don't do anything.
Ashley That depends on them.
Andrew If she gave me the wrong pin and you end them, then what?
Ashley Again. It depends on if they behave or not.
Andrew Sigh....................... Alright.
I'll be quick...
Interact with Ashley.
Ashley I wish I could go with you, but someone has to keep an eye on these two.
Interact again.
Ashley Did you find her purse yet?
Got Credit Card!
Andrew W-whoah whoah, what are you doing here? Get back downstairs!
Ashley They're not going to try anything.
Andrew It only takes one of them to start screaming for this whole thing to blow up in our faces.
Ashley It is amazing how cooperative a person is with a gun pointed at them.
Andrew Yeah, so go point it. I'll be right back.
Ashley It's just...................................
Andrew C'mon, out with it... I need to get going.
Ashley ......... You're with me on this, right? Sacrificing them.
Andrew .... Didn't I already say so?
Ashley Well you have this habit of flip-flopping...
Andrew Ley---
Ashley Pfft, hahah!
Andrew Look, just trust me, Ashley. We're doing this.
Ashley Hehee! You're the best! Come back soon!
Andrew Yeah, yeah... I'll see you in a bit.
System You are Ashley!
Narrator While Andrew is busy picking up the money, you decide to setup the ritual.
......... Or at least what you remember of it.
Ashley (Let's see... I think it involved...)
Option Blood, candles, and cannibalism.
Runes, candles, and blood.
Music, runes, and a book.

Blood, candles, and cannibalism

Runes, candles, and blood

Character Dialogue
Ashley (I drew runes on the floor using the warden's blood. I also set up some candles...)
And there was a big magic circle already drawn. I think that was drawn with blood too.
Narrator You nod to yourself, confident and pleased with your memory.
Ashley (Yeah! Something like that. It shouldn't be too hard to do.)
(First things first, I need some blood to draw with.)

Music, runes, and a book

Drawing up the ritual

Character Dialogue
Narrator Two human shaped sacks of blood sit on the floor.
But you have nothing to cut them with....
Ashley Alrighty, so here's what's going to happen...
I'm going to cut one of you to draw some blood.
And if you scream, I'll blow both of your brains out. How about that?
Mom .... Just take the money and go.
What do you need our blood for?
Ashley Oh, so now you care what I'm about?
Mom Don't you fucking act like I haven't tried with you, Ashley!
Ashley .........
Mom You're the one who shut me out!
But even then I've stuck my neck out for you all this time.
Ashley Oh, like that time when you left me to starve for three months.
Was that you looking out for me?? Aww gee, thanks.
Mom You know goddamn well what I'm talking about.
I never told anyone what you two little psychos did to that girl.
Ashley Ahaha!! What are you on about? Take your meds.
Mom I know you and Andrew did something to that classmate of yours who went missing.
I knew it the second she was found dead near that warehouse you used to play at!!
Ashley Pfft. Whatever.
Mom If I didn't love you, I couldv'e rid myself of you right then and there.
When it comes to being a mother, I am a fucking saint, Ashley!! A saint!
Ashley Ah, yes. The patron saint of covering one's own ass.
Mom Do you have any idea what they would've done to you if they found out???
Ashley Now then, you paragons of virtue. Let's see whose blood I should use...
Narrator Which one do you cut?
Option Cut mother.
Cut father.

Cut mother

Character Dialogue
Mom Ngh--!!
Dad H-honey!
Mom It's fine! Don't worry about me...
Ashley Yeah, she wouldn't worry about you in return.
Mom ....................

Go to Circle and candles.

Cut father

Character Dialogue
Narrator You give your father's arm a good slice.
Mom HEY!!!
Ashley Which part of "no screaming" escapes you??
Narrator Mother would like to gouge your eyes out and feed them to you.
Narrator It brings your heart great delight!

Go to Circle and candles.

Circle and candles

Character Dialogue
System Got Blood!
Ashley Alright. Let's see here....
Yeah. Something like that! Now let's finish drawing this masterpiece!
Ashley Lookie, ma! I drew a circle!!
Mom Do you even know what a circle is? Because it's not that.
Ashley The nerve of you!! You never---!!
(No, no... Don't let her get a rise out of you now.)
(Candles, candles, candles....)
Ashley (Alright, that's all the candles I had...)
Welcome baaaaack!!
Interact with Andrew.
Ashley Andreeeeew! Give us a hug!!
Andrew You have to draw a limit on your card!!
Ashley ..............
Mom I do?
Andrew You do! I could only get a couple hundred before it locked me out.
Mom Hah! Suck it, bitch.
Narrator Being insufferable runs in the family...
Andrew Yeah? Well guess what, now we all get to witness the wonders of customer service.
Get up. You have a call to make.
Ashley, take her to the phone.
Narrator You draw your gun.
Interact with mom.
Ashley Off we go!
Narrator You're in luck, as the customer service line has just opened for the day!
Yet somehow, there's already a million hour wait.
So guess what? You wait.
Mom ...................
Ashley ...................
Service Please hold. A representative will be with you as soon as possible.
Mom ...................
Ashley ...................
Service Please hold. A representative will be with you as soon as possible.
Mom ...................
Ashley ...................
Service Please hold. A representative will be with you as soon as possible.
Narrator Roughly a quarter millennia later, mother gets a hold of someone!
Worker I'm sorry, let me just confirm...
You said you want me to remove the draw limit altogether?
Mom .... That is what I said, yes.
Worker Wow! That's crazy! What if your card gets stolen?
Mom ............ Indeed.
I'm not at all being held at gunpoint here...
Worker HA HA HA!!
Mom ........
Worker Theeere we go! You're gold.
Is there anything else I could help you with?
Mom ... Apparently not!
Worker Aaaaaalright then. Have a nice day, Mrs. Graves!
Ashley Now it's back into the basement with you!
And don't think for a second I didn't see the stunt you were trying to pull there.
Mom It was just small talk...
Interact with Andrew.
Ashley The card should be freed now.
Narrator Unlike your mother, whom Andrew quickly ties back up.
Andrew I was looking at what you've set up here...
And let's just say, it's not quite there, is it?
Ashley Yeah, I don't remember what the little runes looked like anymore...
Andrew God, your memory is such shit...
Though I already figured as much, so I sketched them out for you.
Ashley Why didn't you just draw the runes themselves? There's blood right there!
Andrew Because you might've had a good reason for not drawing them yet.
Ashley Alright, fair. Whatever. Give me the card, I'll go pick up the rest of the money.
Andrew I really don't like the idea of you wandering around all by yourself at this hour...
Ashley It's already morning though.
Andrew Well, yeah, but--... I mean... Still...
Ashley Just hand me the card, I---
Andrew (Actually, can I really leave Andrew alone with mom and dad?)
Ashley (Who knows what they'll say to him! And he's wishy-washy enough as it is...)
Andrew ........... Ashley?
Narrator You wonder if you can trust Andrew enough to leave him with your parents...
Option Trust him.
Fuck that!

Go to either (A) Andrew guards the parents or (B) Ashley guards the parents.

Ashley guards the parents

Character Dialogue
Ashley (Forget it! This jackass doesn't exactly have a stellar record when it comes to watching over hostages.)

Andrew guards the parents

Character Dialogue
Ashley .....................
Just give me the card. I'll go get the money.
Got Credit Card!
Andrew Please be careful.........
Ashley Aren't I always?
Andrew When are you ever!?
Ashley HahHaha! See you later!
(It'll be fine.)
(He won't turn on me as long as I have the trinket...)
System You are Andrew!
Narrator There's nothing you can do about the missing audio.
but at least you can draw the missing runes.
Andrew (Now where did Ashley get all this blood?)
Interact with mom.
Mom .......... Is she making you do this?
Andrew No...
Mom Are you going to kill us?
Andrew C'mon... Of course not.
(Technically anyway...)
Mom Then what is all this witchcraft looking nonsense?
Andrew ... Just let her scare you a little.
We'll leave you alone after that. How about it?
Mom ......................
Narrator It's hard to say whether she believes you or not.
Interact with dad.
Narrator Your father doesn't have anything to say.
He has always been like that. Just going along with your mother's whims.
It hits you then, that you are just like him.
Andrew (.............. Goddamit.)
Interact with third pentagram.
Mom There was something I tried to talk to you about earlier...
Andrew I don't care, honestly....
Mom About Ashley...
Andrew ........ What is it?
Mom I wanted to apologize to you.
For always making you look after her. That was wrong of me.
Andrew It's fine....
Mom Can you imagine what it was like for me back then?
When I was your age, I was already stuck with a seven, and a five year old to care for...
Think you'd have fared better than me?
Andrew I wouldn't know....
Mom This isn't an excuse, mind you. It's an explanation.
I never hated you, I was just a fuck-up.
Dad D-don't say that, honey! We did fine!!
Mom Hah! So fine. Look where we are right now.
Anyway, you were such an easy child I thought we'd be just fine having another.
I wasn't counting on Ashley to be so-..............
Andrew ....................
Mom I'm sorry I made you raise her...
I thought you were getting along, so I didn't want to see what was happening.
And for that, I apologize.
It's all my fault. I apologize.
Andrew ...... Well it is what it is.
Mom It doesn't have to be.
I think we can still sort this out.
Andrew Is that right?
Mom If it's money you need, I can help you get a job.
They're hiring at your company, aren't they, love?
Dad That's right! If I put in a good word for you, you're as good as hired!
Mom Be forewarned though, they get a lot of difficult customers there.
But I know you can handle it.
Should be easy after handling Ashley all this time.
What do you say?
Narrator Your parents are offering you an olive branch...
Option Accept.
[Save Game]

Go to (A) Accept the offer or (B) Decline the offer. Declining the offer will allow Andrew to enter the dream together with Ashley.

Accept the offer

Character Dialogue

Go to Recharging the trinket -> Solo dream|Solo dream.

Decline the offer

Character Dialogue
Andrew Well, about Ashley....
I wish you wouldn't talk about her that way.
Dad L-let's not fight! There is a solution here somewhere I'm sure!
Andrew What were those death certificates about anyway?
Mom ............... It's a life insurance scam. Nothing more.
Andrew How's that work?
Mom There's this doctor... Well, a surgeon actually.
After they told us you'll be stuck in that apartment, we got redirected to him.
And as far as the records go, you died from the parasites.
Andrew I didn't even know I had any life insurance.
Mom Well, I got it for you two after you got quarantined.
Andrew It's kind of curious that they let you do that...
So then when we "died", were you in on it?
Mom Of course not! I really thought you died!!
They said your bodies had to be burned because of the parasites, so that's why I never got to confirm it myself.
Andrew (Ahhhhh.)
(She's full of shit.)
Mom W-where are you going?
Andrew I have to finish setting this thing up for her.
Mom Oh come on, forget about this nonsense.
We can sort the documents out. Hell, you can even live here if that doesn't work out!
You can leave this whole mess behind you, just like that.
Andrew That's okay. I'm not really interested.
Mom What...???????
But that-.... That doesn't make any sense.
Why would you not-.....
Ah, I get it.
Andrew ..........??
Mom You fuck her.
Andrew Wha-- HUUUUH?!?!!?
Mom Oh that is disgusting! Andrew, she's your sister for god's sake.
Andrew I haven't done anything!? What the hell, mom!?
Mom Then what does she give you that makes it worth all this?
Andrew W-well that's none of your business, is it??
Mom I knew something was off... How did I fuck-up so bad?? I'm the worst mom ever..!
Andrew No! I mean yes you are, but I have never--!
Ashley I'm baaaa-ack!!!
Andrew Now of all times!?
Ashley I got the money! Did you miss me, handsome?? Did you? Did you??
Mom ...............
Andrew (I WANT TO DIE!!!!!!!)
Argh, whatever!! Summon the fucking demon already!!
Ashley Oh, so eager! Let's see if it shows up though.
Since there's no music.
Mom Wait! What are you talking about??
Ashley Quiet, you. I'm still armed.
Andrew, light the candles.
Andrew Alright. Get to it.

Go to Recharging the trinket -> Shared dream.

Recharging the trinket

Character Dialogue
System You are Ashley!
Ashley A-hem!
Hello helloooooo?? Mr. or Ms. Demon?
I'm sorry I don't have the mood music, but I have the other stuff you asked for.
Narrator There's no answer.
Ashley .......... Maybe if I sing something?
Andrew Please don't...
Narrator Mercifully, the demon shows up to spare everyone from the secondhand embarrassment.
Dad AAAAH!!!
??? TaR soUL.
Ashley I offer those two!!
Narrator Their screaming is short-lived, as the demon steals their souls.
Andrew .......................
Ashley Huh. I wonder if I should feel something.
Well anyway! So the music wasn't needed to summon you after all?
Why'd I have to play it last time then??
??? tHe CirCLe is hArD to FinD.
SoUnd iS eaSy tO fOLLow.
HoWeVer, yOU hAve mY TaLisMan noW... iT maKes yoU eaSy To FinD.
Ashley Speaking of which!
A deal's a deal! Charge it up, please!
System Your trinket works again
Ashley Thank you!
??? ..............
Andrew W-what?? Hello....
??? ......... THiS iS the broTHer.
Ashley That's right! My pride and joy!
And no, you can't have his soul. It's mine.
Andrew ...........
??? ..... I wiLL sEE yoU aGAin, Tar SouL.
Ashley Sure! I'll make another offering once the trinket needs to be charged again.
??? I wiLL suMMon yOu.
BriNG tHis one WitH yOu.
Andrew Wha-- me? Why??
Ashley Okey dokey! Bye byeeeee!
Narrator The entity leaves.
Ashley And that's that! The trinket is charged!!
Andrew What did it mean it'll summon you??
Ashley Who cares. What do we do about the bodies?
Andrew "Who cares" she says! Are you kidding me....
Ashley The bodies, Andy! Focus.
Andrew Right, the bodies, uh.......
Well... On one hand, we didn't kill them....
But on the other, them having gone missing would definitely be better for us.
Maybe they just fucked off somewhere? Who knows.
Meanwhile if there's a murder investigation.........
Ashley Right! So let's make them disappear.
Andrew Right... We can start by chopping them up.
Ashley Can't we just dump them in the ocean or something?
Andrew No, Ashley. We're going to make them vanish. Not wash up ashore somewhere.

Go to Chop chop.

Chop chop

Character Dialogue
Andrew Ughhh... How to go about this? We can't leave a mess behind.
Ashley Well, there's a drain right there...
Andrew Ah. Right you are.
Ashley See? I'm not a dumbass all the time.
Andrew No, just dumb and an ass.
Ashley Oh wow, check out this smartass right here!
Narrator Andrew is untying the parents but stops.
Andrew W-wait, what....?
Ashley .... What is it?
Andrew Is dad.... breathing?
Narrator You take a look, and sure enough! His chest is moving ever so slightly.
Ashley AH! He is!! Mom too!
Andrew .......................
Narrator You try various things, but nothing gets a response from your parents.
Yet their hearts still beat. Their lungs draw in air.
Andrew Oh god.... What is this...?
Ashley Maybe losing your soul just turns you into a vegetable?
Andrew That can't be! The cultist died. And the warden too!
Ashley Well, I mean.... did you actually check?
Andrew ... .. . .. . ... . .. . ... .. . .
Ashley I sure didn't. I just went to town and started chopping.
Andrew No, no, no.... Please tell me he wasn't still alive when we ate him!!
Ashley HahaHAhaHA!!
Andrew What the fuck is so funny about this!?
Ashley Come on now. I'm sure he died pretty quickly from blood loss.
If not, you ripping his head off must've done the trick.
Andrew .....................................
Ashley It'll be the same with these two. Get to cutting.
Andrew No, that-.... This changes everything, doesn't it?
Ashley You want to leave them like this? They're not getting their souls back.
Though if you wanna leave them to starve, I'm all for it!
Wouldn't it be a little poetic? I'm sure you'd like that.
Andrew Ahhhh, I don't know.... I need to think........
Ashley Oh, c'mon!
Where are you going???
No, Andrew!! Look! Look here for a sec!!
Andrew What--?
!?!?? !?!? ?? ?!!!? ?
Narrator You get your father too.
Andrew W-what are you doing!?
Ashley There. All dead.
Now tell me again how I always make you do all the dirty work.
Andrew ..............
Narrator He'll bitch and moan.
Surely, he'll bitch and moan as per usual.
But you did not miss that sigh of relief.
You drag your parents soulless (and lifeless!) bodies over to the shower.
Interact with Andrew.
Andrew Alright, I'll start cutting. You guide the blood into the drain with the shower head.
Ashley Gotcha!
Andrew Whoah, whoah! What?? Stop! STOP!!
STOP!! It's flooding!!
Ashley Huh??
OH!! What the hell!? Gross!!
Andrew Ughhh, great. The drain is clogged up.
.... And the lid is screwed shut. I need a screwdriver.
Ashley You just keep chopping the bodies.
I'll get you something to unclog the drain with.
System Got a Screwdriver!
Narrator This mop...... it is a work of art.
Ashley How do you unclog this thing anyway?
Andrew After we unscrew the lid, we can pour down some Baking Soda and Vinegar down the drain.
System You check the top cabinets...
System Got Baking Soda!
Narrator Andrew unscrews the drain lid.
Pour in some....
Option Vinegar.
Baking soda.


Baking soda

Character Dialogue
Narrator You pour down a generous amount of baking soda, and then douse it with vinegar.
The soda start bubbling up, but the clog doesn't lessen one bit.
Ashley ..... Welp, we tried.
I'll get you some rubber gloves.
Andrew I'm the one who's gonna have to get in there?
Ashley But of course, I am but a dainty little lady!
You can't expect me to do a man's job.
Andrew .... Fine. Just get me the gloves.
System Got Rubber Gloves!
Ashley Heeeeere you go. Have fun!
System Handed Andrew the Rubber Gloves.
Narrator He digs out god-knows-what out of the drain.
A seemingly never-ending amount of god-knows what.
Ashley Oh, god!! That is disgusting!!
Ohh! I'm gonna gag!
Andrew You're not helping.
Ashley Fuck that is gross, Andy! Hahahah!!
Andrew .................... Bold of you to call me that when I am warmed.
Ashley GASP!! You wouldn't!
Andrew C'mere, you.
Ashley AAAH!! NO!! NO!! DON'T YOU DARE!!
Andrew Any last words?
Andrew Fine. You are spared. For now.
The drain works, let's get this over with.
Narrator You and your brother dismember your parents.
And disembowel them.
And decapitate them.
You also make a mental note to yourself about Andrew.
Instead of oscillating between freaking out and apathy, like you expect him to......
Andrew ..........
Ashley ................
............................ Who is it.........?
Andrew ........... What?
Ashley No, nothing........ Andrew.
Andrew If you're tired I can take care of the rest.
Ashley What? No! It's--.... it's really nothing....
Andrew ............ I must be seeing things.
Ashley Uhh.... What??
Andrew To think I'd ever bare witness to you being distraught over our parent's corpses.
Ashley Oh.................. Right...
Andrew Then again, I bet you're just moping over finally getting your hands dirty.
Ashley .................. And, uhh.... you?
Andrew Hm? What?
Ashley Are you doing alright?
Andrew As alright as I can be, considering the circumstances.
Ashley .. . .. .. . .... . . . . .. That's good........
Andrew You're...
Ashley .......... Loook who's talking.
Andrew Hah!
Alright. Enough time wasted...
Narrator Andrew continues casually butchering your parents.
Incidentally, there's a knot in your stomach.
Ashley ......... So what's the plan for all this?
Andrew We're to dispose of it all.
Ashley Yeah, yeah. But how?
Andrew We'll use whatever means available in the house.
Let's look around and see what we can do.

Human soup

Character Dialogue
System Got a pile of Organs!
System Got Torso x2!
System Got all the Limbs!
Narrator That is a lot of limbs.
System Got a Head!
System Got a Head!
Interact with fireplace.
Ashley Oh! Can we burn the bodies here?
It would be like cremation!
Andrew There's no way the temperature of this thing gets high enough.
Ashley Boohoo! Watch.
Narrator You place the torsos above the fireplace.
Andrew rolls his eyes, but lights the fire for you.
Andrew ............... Well would you look at that. Nothing is happening.
Ashley Give it a minute! Goddamn!
Andrew This isn't working...
Ashley ..... Makes me kinda hungry though.
Andrew Sigh... Let's leave this be for now.
Narrator You cut the Limbs into Chopped Meat.
System Got Chopped Meat.
Narrator You skinned the Heads.
System Got Face x2!
System Got skull x2!
Ashley What do I do with their faces? Make masks out of them??
Andrew I don't know... Throw them in the fireplace?
Ashley And what about their skulls?
Andrew Well the skulls we can deal with later, along with all the other bones...
Ashley Oooh, I know! Let's turn
Andrew Throw in some vegetables, maybe spices...
And then throw the rest away as scraps!
Andrew What do you mean "the rest"?
Ashley What do you think? I'm eating some!
Andrew ... Do what you want.
Ashley What was that soup you made earlier? And what were the ingredients again??
Andrew The recipe is right there. Read it.
Ashley Shame on me for thinking you'd be helpful...
Andrew It was meat, onions, potatoes, and carrots. Chop everything up, and throw them into the pot.
Ashley Ahh, there we go. Thank you.
I knew you memorized it. You fucking neeeeeerd.
Andrew ........ You're welcome.
Narrator Simple Soup Recipe: Meat, Carrots, Potatoes, Onions.
Chop everything up, and bring to a boil.
Ashley Look at that! Much better than your soup!
Now was there anything else we needed to deal with?
Narrator You pour your parents organs into the blender and blend away.
Several servings of crimson smoothie emerge.
All of which you pour down the kitchen sink.
Ashley How's that? Good as gone!
Andrew ....I'm genuinely surprised you didn't offer me any?
Ashley What, did you want a disease or something?
Of course I wouldn't offer you raw meat! You really take me for an idiot, don't you!?
Andrew I take you for what you are, idiot.
Ashley Watch your mouth. This idiot just poured your parents down the drain!
Andrew Hah! Alright. That was pretty smart, I guess.
For an idiot.
Narrator The soup is brewing.
Andrew Do you think the soup is ready yet...?
Ashley Dinner is ready!
Andrew .......... I'm eating too?
Ashley Of course! This is the last hearty home cooked meal for a while after all.
Andrew I suppose.......
Ashley That's right! Now say "aaaaaah"!
Andrew Aah.
Ashley ....................... (Unexpected.)
Well? well?? How is it??
Andrew ... It's okay.
Ashley Just okay?
Andrew I mean it's better than last time, buuuuuuut........
Ashley Why are you so picky!?
Andrew It's really dry. You overcooked it or something.
Ashley Mom's just a dry person, alright!?
And how the hell is it dry!? THIS IS SOUP!!
Andrew No. Mom should be more salty. This is just bland and dry.
I rate this "waste of ingredients out of ten". Would not eat again.
Ashley GASP! You will retract that statement at once!!
I slave away in the kitchen for you, and this is the thanks I get!?
Andrew I'm sorry you can't cook.
Ashley You're not forgiven!!
Andrew Oh?
Ashley Jackass! Eat shit and die!!
Andrew Well this food is certainly shi-
Ashley ... . . . . .... . . ... .
Andrew Wh--? C'mon, I'm joking!!
It's not that bad... It's fine!
Ashley More than fine!!
Andrew Yes, yes. It's fantastic in a way my dumbass can't appreciate. How about that?
Ashley Hmph!
Andrew Why yes indeed. This cooking is beyond my mortal comprehension!
Ashley Correct.
Andrew An out of this world culinary experience which the likes of me cannot even taste properly.
Because my taste buds simply aren't evolved enough to sense all the subtleties.
Truly, when I said "waste of ingreidents" I meant it's a waste to feed it to me.
Food of this caliber should only be fed to kings-, No! Gods!
Ashley That's more like it!
Andrew So exquisite is your cooking, that I will write you a shitty poem about it!
Ashley Oh god! HAHAH!!
Andrew Lo' and behold, I implore you! Come feast your eyes on her, oh and there is food too!
To ease your weary soul, she's brewed a broth to give you quite a fright.
There must be magic on her finger tips, to cook such a delight!
And yet the meat is drier than her lips, quarter past midnight.
Ashley ........................
... Should I buy lip balm?
AND THE MEAT ISN'T DRY, GOODDAMN!! It's just right!!!
Andrew HAhahHAH!
Ashley Ahhh, whatever. Humans are hard to cook. I'll get it next time.
Andrew What "next time"!?
Ah, whatever. Anyhow....
I think we've dealt with the flesh to the best of our abilities.
But we still need to do something about the bones.
Ashley Well, first of all, I need to ditch the leftover soup.
Andrew While you do that, I'll clean the kitchen...
Ashley It should be fine to just chuck this into the trash bin outside, right?
System Got Human Soup!
Interact with Andrew.
Andrew Don't worry too much about someone seeing you throw away the soup...
As long as you don't look nervous, no one will think anything of it.
Ashley .......... Are you talking to yourself right now?
Andrew Ah.
Right. What was I thinking? You wouldn't worry even if I told you to....
Interact again.
Andrew Your inability to grasp the weight of the situation is simultaneously your best and worst quality....
I've really come to appreciate it lately, though it pisses me off all the same.
Ashley Thank you!
Andrew Hmm... Yup. Dumb as a stone.
Ashley I just choose to ignore your not-at-all subtle insults!!
Andrew HahHAha!!
System Threw away the leftover Human Soup!

Bagging the bones

Character Dialogue
System You are Andrew!
Andrew (I need to figure out what to do with all the bones...)
(For now I'll just collect them all before Ashley loses track of them.)
System Got Plastic Bags!
Narrator The flesh has burned into charcoal, but the bones remain.
System Got Bones!
Narrator You put them in one of the plastic bags.
Ashley So what do we do about these skulls?
Andrew ..... I'm thinking of throwing those into the ocean along with the rest of the bones.
Ashley So much for making them disappear, huh!? What did we do all this other crap for!?
Andrew Quiet, you. As long as the teeth are removed, it should be fine!
Ashley Based on what logic?
Andrew The, uhh..... dental records, I guess...
Ashley You "guess"? How nice.
Andrew Forgive me, o' beloved! For I have never gotten rid of a body before.
I'm hoping one can't identiyf someone based on their bones alone.

Solo dream

You will end up on this route if Andrew accepted the parent's offer.

Character Dialogue
Ashley Nope!
Andrew Oh c'mon...
Ashley Even if you'd have a vision, you'd just freak out and overthink it.
Andrew Your dumbass can barely understand what's happening in the present! Much less in the future.
If anyone should be deciphering what these dreams are about, it should be me!
Ashley Screw you! Now I'm definitely not letting you have it!
Andrew Ughhh, just-... Fine. That was uncalled for...
Ashley You're not getting my trinket.
Andrew Fine, whatever......
Have an awful night and terrible dreams.
Narrator Andrew fucks off somewhere, and you go to sleep...

Go to Nightmare.


Character Dialogue
Ashley Ah! It's just you??
(No wait...... Something isn't--......)
Umm..... I don't suppose we could talk things out....?
............... There! Truce?
C'mon, Andy. Play nice with your sister!
Andrew Tag, I'm it.
Narrator You should run.
In 3.... 2...... 1!
Ashley WAIT!! NO!! It's not my fault!
Andrew This episode is titled---
Ashley No, wait! Waaaait wait wait wait!!
Andrew ---Andy and Leyley and--
Ashley NO!! Andrew, wait!!
Andrew --and the Final Finale, Finally!
Ashley No!! I'm sorry okay!?
I'll be better!! Let's just leave and forget about all of this!
Everything will be just fine, I'll behave! I promise!!
Andrew You've already shown me that's not true.
I'm not falling for this again.
Ashley No! NO!! No, no, wait I'm sorry!!
I'm sorry, Andrew! I'm sorry!!
Andrew I am so tired of your "sorry's."
They don't mean shit.
Narrator He is going to kill you.
He'll really kill you this time...
Draw your gun?
Nah, it's okay.

Go to (A) Ashley's shot or (B) Ashley holds her shot.

Ashley shoots

This route is only available if Andrew did not use all the bullets.

Character Dialogue
Ashley Guess what?
Bang, bang!! HAhaHA!!
Fucker, you thought I wouldn't--!! HAHAHA!!
Fuck you, asshole!!!
You waste of my---
Waste of all of me!! I'm glad you're fucking dead, you cunt!!!

Go to Waking up.

Ashley doesn't shoot

This route is only available if Andrew did not use all the bullets.

Character Dialogue
Ashley God, you fucking suck.
Bye bye, Andrew! I had fun.
Andrew Then I'll see you in a bit....

Go to Waking up.

Waking up

Character Dialogue
Ashley .....................
(Shit, Shit! No, no, no, no, no....)
(What did I do to piss him off like that?!?)
(Why would Andy ever--....?? No! He would never!! Not my Andy!)
(............No, I suppose he might.)
Or Andrew might anyway.
(It's him less and less and less.....)
Andrew ......Everything okay with you?
Ashley Oh! Uhh... I've--- I guess I had a nightmare.
Andrew A vision?
Ashley NO!!
Andrew ???
Ashley Hahaha!! No, no.... It was just vague nonsense.
Andrew ...... Okay?
Ashley H-hey Andy....?
Andrew .....................
Ashley (Please be Andy, please be Andy, please be Andy, please.....)
Andrew ..................... Sigh. What is it?
Ashley (Ohhhhh, thank fuck....)
Nothing, nothing. Nevermind.
I just love you so much.
Andrew Thanks.
Ashley Jesus, what a shit reply. As usual.
Would it kill you to say it back to me every once in a while??
Andrew You keep calling me by some other guy's name. What do you expect?
Ashley .....................
Andrew C'mon then. Our parents won't jump into the ocean by themselves.
Ashley .....................
Andrew .....................
Ashley A-hahaa...... Whoops?
Andrew Are you picking them up or what??
Ashley Hey now! I wasn't the one who packed them in this flimsy bag.
Andrew I said pick them up, you dumb bitch.
Ashley What did you just call me??
Andrew NOW, Ashley!
Ashley A-alright, alright.....
Andrew Thank god no one is here at this hour.........
Narrator Vroom vroom!!
Andrew Okay, so don't stray too far into the light...
Just in case someone does pass by...
Narrator Andrew drops the bag with the bones and rocks into the ocean.
Ashley What about the skulls? Since they're no longer in a bag.
Andrew Whatever. Chuck 'em.
Ashley ....If you say so.
Well then! My congratulations for your loss!
Andrew Very clever.
Ashley .....................
Andrew ......... What is it?
Ashley Nothing. So what do we do now?
Andrew Whatever you want.
Ashley Oh?? Well this is new. How come?
Andrew We'll end up doing whatever you want anyway. Why even ask me?
Ashley ...............
Andrew .....................
Ashley Are you, uh..... mad at me?
Andrew ...............Nah.
What do you want to do, Ashley?
Ashley I want to do, what you want to do.
Andrew Wanna turn ourselves in then?
Ashley Well not that!! What the hell!?
Andrew So much for my opinion. Not that I was serious....
Ashley ... .. .. . . ... .. . . ..
You're totally mad at me, Andy..... Why?
Andrew Remember when you promised you wouldn't call me that anymore?
Ashley Nope! But I remember half a minute ago, when you said we'd do what I want.
Andrew You're really going to treat me this way, after all I've just done for you?
Ashley So you are mad at me! I fucking knew it!!
Andrew I asked you for one thing, Ashley. One.
Not a big thing, mind you. Not even a difficult one.
Ashley .....................
Andrew Yeah. I'm mad.
But so what? It's not as if you're going to do anything about it.
Just pick the next stupid thing you want to do, and let's go.
Ashley You were fine with me calling you Andy back at the house yesterday!
Andrew I had to be, didn't I??
Ashley ......
Andrew You knew I couldn't afford to start a fight with you then.
That's why you started pushing for it. You think I didn't pick up on that?
Well there's neither appearances to keep, nor corpses to hide now.
Do you want to have another go at it??
Ashley .. ... . . ... . .. . .
Andrew Well!?
Ashley ...... What would you want, Andrew?
Andrew ............
I wanna lock you in the trunk of the car, and drive off this bridge...
Ashley HAhhAHA!!
Andrew Ha-ha-ha. You think I'm kidding??
Ashley Ew. I don't wanna be in the same grave as mom and dad.
Andrew Then spare me half the fucking respect I give you....
Ashley I will. Right after you love me with half the heart I love you with, asshole!
Andrew Say, how exactly is irritating me supposed to inspire tenderness??
Ashley Hah! It's complicated. I'm a very complex person like that!
Andrew The hell you are, you absolute simpleton!
Ashley If I'm so simple, hwo come you can't keep up??
Andrew I'd have to be stupid to understand the thoughts of the stupids.
Ashley Arrogant prick!! Get over yourself!
Andrew Maybe later. Meanwhile you should get in the car. We're out of here.
Ashley Oh. Where are we going??
Narrator To the bottom of the ocean, dumbass. He already told you.
Andrew I don't know yet..... But I wanna leave, before the corpses float up or something.
Ashley (I wonder if we're fine now.........)
(Yeah. It's probably fine...........)

Go to Outro.

Shared dream

This route is possible if Andrew declined the parent's offer.

Character Dialogue
Andrew Then could I hold it this time?
Ashley It gave it to me, so maybe it wouldn't work with you?
Andrew What's it hurt to try?
Ashley God, you can't read between the lines for shit... That was me telling you no!
Andrew I did get it, I just don't care!
Stop being so selfish all the time and let me try!
Ashley It's my trinket!!
Andrew Ever heard of sharing??
Ashley How am I supposed to share this?! Do you wanna cut the trinket in half? I'm sure that's a great idea.
Andrew No! Just-....
Ashley We're not cutting it!
Andrew That's not it! But I'm sure we can both hold it at the same time.
See if either of us gets a vision.
Ashley ....... How? It's a bit small.
Andrew Between our hands, right?
Ashley Oh my! How romantic...
Andrew Come again..?
Ashley Holding hands while we sleep together.
Andrew Man, fuck off...
Ashley HaHHahhaHAHA!!
Andrew Alright, forget this. Good night.
Ashley I'm kidding! I'm kidding! It's fine.
Though I still think I'm gonna be the only one who has a vision.
Andrew We'll see....
Ashley Good night!
Andrew Good night...............
Ashley ............... Pfft, haha!
Andrew Fuck this! How am I supposed to sleep after you went and said something so off-color!?
Andrew And it doesn't help at all mom said something outrageous too...
Ashley Ohh yeah, I heard that!
Andrew You did, huh. So that's what that little show was about earlier...
Ashley Did you see her face? That was great!
I hope she regretted her entire life just then.
Andrew Pretty sure she just regretted giving birth to us.
Ashley I'll take it.
If for once she regretted the both of us, then I'm happy.
Andrew ...............
Ashley ....... What?
Andrew Nothing. Good night....

Go to Dream sequence -> Right door or Left door in shared dream.

Right door in shared dream

Character Dialogue
Narrator This seems to be the sane path to take. Enter?
Option Enter.
Ashley ..........................................
Found an empty Bottle in the trash!
The rocks won't budge from this side.
There is a rope of some sort above, but you can't reach it.
Bottled a spirit!!
Bottled a spirit!!
There is nothing to step on.
The flowers have yet to bloom.
A loose Stick breaks off.
Got a Stick!
Used Stick to pull down the ladder!
Got Key!
Got Watering can!
Watered some Flowers!
Watered some Flowers!
Bottled a spirit!!
Bottled a spirit!!
An entity has appeared.
There's not enough sticks to carry your weight.
Snapped a branch from the tree.
Got Stick!
Snapped a branch from the tree.
Got Stick!
Placed down all the sticks.
Character Dialogue
Ashley There you are. Finally!
??? ............
Just kidding! HahHAha!
Let's get out of here before it finds us...
Ashley ............... Andrew?
Andrew!! Where are you!?
Andrew Right here?
Ashley What the hell!! Don't just run off like that!
Andrew ......Did you see any visions?
Ashley I take it that you didn't?
Andrew Nah, I couldn't sleep....
Ashley Well I think I saw some vision, but it didn't seem like anything important.
I was just collecting ghosts or something.
Andrew Nothing about getting caught?
Ashley Nope! Not a thing.
Andrew Huh. Okay? I guess that's a good sign...
Ashley Wait, did you say you couldn't sleep?
Andrew ............ Yes?
Ashley Oh my! And for a moment there I thought you had changed.
Andrew What are you on about?
Ashley Hehee! Nothing, nothing!
So what's eating at you? C'mon, you can tell me about it!
Andrew Ohh, I don't know. Something about getting caught red-handed.
Ashley ............ Not the parenticide itself?
Andrew C'mon, let's go ditch the bones already.
Every second we wasted, is a second we risk getting caught.

Go to Awful eulogy.

Left door in shared dream

Character Dialogue
Narrator Somehow it seems like a highly questionable idea to take this route...
Option I know what I'm about!
Okay, nevermind...
Andrew .....................
Ashley Penny for your thoughts?
Andrew No deal.
Ashley C'mon. Give me one word.
Andrew ............ "Mortifying".
Ashley Huh. Didn't seem like it a minute ago.
So I think you meant to say "gratifying".
Andrew Big words don't fit in your mouth...
Ashley Yeah? Something else fit in it just fine earlier.
Andrew HahHaHahHA!
Ashley Oh yeah! Soooooo mortified, are you?
Andrew You know I'm easy to distract....
Ashley Some guilty conscience you've got!
Andrew Better than yours.
C'mere, you!
Ashley Ahaha!!
Wait--! G-gently! Gently, goddammit!!
The vision ends without you dying.
So at least there's that, you suppose.
Ashley (..................... Welp.)
You wonder if Andrew saw it too.
Andrew ...................................
Andrew O-oh shit!! You're awake!!
Ashley Well hello to you too.
Andrew Uhh, yeah.... Good morning... Or evening, I guess. Whatever.....
Ashley Right. So hey, did you get a vision?
Andrew ............ P-probably not.
Ashley Really? Do you see dreams like that a lot then?
Andrew I DON'T!!!
Ashley BhwaHhaH!! So you did see it!
Andrew . .. . .... . . . .. . .
Ashley Quite the vision, huh? Big brother??
Andrew That was not a vision!!
The demon is messing with us!
Y-yeah! That's it.... That's just it.
It's because we tried to be cheap and get two visions for the price of one.
So it gave us a fake vision instead! That's the only explanation that makes sense.
Ashley Oh please.…
Andrew I mean it is your trinket. Clearly you were right and I wasn't supposed to use it.
Ashley Sure, sure. Keep selling it, I'm totally buying.
Andrew Screw you!
Ashley Yeah, you just might.
Andrew Fuck off! Do you honestly think that!?!?
Ashley HahHAhahhHA!!

I don't know. You tell me.

Andrew ..................... Listen here, you.
Ashley Fucking spare me, I don't wanna hear it.
You just helped me desecrate our parents corpses, yet getting laid is what you're freaking out about??
Andrew No one got laid!!
Ashley And you keep telling me I'm messed up... What a joke.
Andrew .....................

..................... We're not like that, are we?

Ashley I don't know.
Andrew . .. .. . . ... . .. . .. .
You just come off that way sometimes…
Ashley Huh???? How so??
Andrew A tad jealous.
Ashley Oh dear. What's that? Wishful thinking??
Andrew Tell that to my ex…
Ashley Let's not pretend you don't have a bit of a jealous streak yourself.
Andrew Now that's wishful thinking.
Ashley Fat chance. Get over yourself.
Andrew ..................... Sigh.
I don't think I need to ask you this, but let me anyway...
It's never gonna come to that, right? You and me.
Option Never
Never say never


Character Dialogue
Ashley Nah....
Andrew Thank god.........
Narrator Though it sincerely doesn't matter to you one way or the other.
It only matters that he's around. Always around.
So should he be open to such endeavors, you'd have no qualms about indulging him.
What stornger leverage is there than that?
But since he has a better head on his shoulders than you, it's a pointless pursuit
If anything, him being so unwilling would tip the odds in his favor. So forget it!
Andrew What a warped sense of humor that demon has....
Ashley Haha!! Well it got its point across. No freebies!
Andrew That "vision" had better not cost us a real one.
Ashley Well whether it did or didn't, there's at least one more vision left.
Andrew Well either way......
Now that this little debacle is past us, wanna go throw our parents into the ocean?
Ashley Absolutely! Let's go!!

Go to Awful eulogy.

Never say never!

Character Dialogue
Ashley Never say never, Andrew my dear!
Andrew Oh my fucking god!
Andrew It's not funny! Don't joke about this!!
Ashley Why? Am I getting your hopes up??

Or maybe something else? HaHAHahah!!! Say, did that vision get you--

Andrew I'm out of here!!
Ashley Why is this such a massive issue to you?? We've done way worse things together...

I honestly figured it would happen eventually...

Andrew Why, why, why, why, why are you like this?? Why would you say this?? Why would you think this?
Ashley I--? Wow.... What a landmine, huh?
Andrew ..................... Well... Yeah?

Aaaaah, forget this! Forget this whole thing!

Ashley Fine. But that was clearly a vision, so it'll probably come up sooner or later.
Andrew Well in your last vision a guy slit our throats, yet here we are.

So let's just leave it at that.

Ashley Alright then if you say so…
Andrew sweeps the elephant under the rug and calls it a day.
Andrew A-anyway....

Let's go throw mom and dad into the ocean, yeah?

Go to Skull toss.

Skull toss

Character Dialogue
Ashley ..........................................
Andrew ..........................................
......... I hate you.
Ashley It's not my fault! The stupid bag ripped on its own!!
Andrew I don't care! Hurry up and pick them up!!
Thank god no one is here at this hour.........
Vroom vroom!!
Andrew Okay, so don't stray too far into the light...

Just in case someone does pass by...

Andrew drops the bag with the bones and rocks into the ocean.
Ashley Since my bag broke, how do we make sure the skulls sink?
Andrew They'll probably be fine...
Ashley Well in that case..!
Bet I can throw further than you.
Andrew ............... Bet you can't.
Ashley Oh yeah?
Andrew Definitely.
Ashley On the count of three!
One... Two... AH!!!
Andrew Ooh, what's that? Looks like I won!
Andrew Noipe! You never said pushing wasn't allowed.
Ashley Oh yeah!? Well here's your fucking prize, jackass!! It's a fist to the fac--!!
Andrew D'aww, a hug! Why, thank you thank you!!
Ashley ARGHH!!!
Andrew HahHAHahHA!!!
Ashley ...............

............... You're a little different lately.

Andrew Am I no fun anymore?
Ashley Hmm, more like-.... Let me think....

How have you been sleeping lately?

Andrew Are you actually looking for a fight???
Ashley I'm not talking about that! I mean just in general!

Your insomnia! And nightmares. How are those??

Andrew Ah ...............

It's been decent, all things considered...

Ashley Yeah......…

............... Unexpectedly, you seem to be doing just fine.

Andrew ...............

Well don't be happy for me or anything.

Ashley Haha..! Andy is all grown up and doesn't need me anymore ...............
Andrew Andy is dead. I don't think he needs anything.
Ashley ..............................
Andrew .. . .. ... .. .. . ... .
.... Even so, there's the trinket too.

You're apparently the only one allowed to use it, so there's that...

Ashley (I don't know about that, but it certaintly showed me one way to keep him around ....)
Heh. I suppose.
Andrew Right. I'm honestly pissed we don't know what's coming next.
It's really hard to plan what to do now.
Ashley Ah... Right. So what do we do.

Go to Mysterious mole.

Awful eulogy

Character Dialogue
Ashley ..........................................
Andrew ..........................................

......... I hate you.

Ashley It's not my fault! The stupid bag ripped on its own!!
Andrew I don't care! Hurry up and pick them up!!

Thank god no one is here at this hour.........

Vroom vroom!!
Andrew Okay, so don't stray too far into the light...

Just in case someone does pass by...

Andrew drops the bag with the bones and rocks into the ocean.
Ashley Since my bag broke, how do we make sure the skulls sink?
Andrew They'll probably be fine...
Into the ocean they go!!
Ashley Well there they went.
Andrew So they did.
Ashley Should we recite a prayer or something?
Andrew Let's not get too sanctimonious here.
Ashley I feel like we should... I dunno. Say something.
To put it past us. For closure.
Andrew Closure for what exactly??
Ashley I don't know. It was just a thought.
Andrew I'm starting to think you want me to be upset...
Ashley I'm just worried! I know I don't give a shit, but I thought you did!!
Andrew ..................... I did.
Ahh, fine..... Let me think....
Ashley Take your time...
Andrew Dear mom and dad...
Thanks for giving me life, it's been awful.
And thanks for giving Ashley life. She too, has been awful.
Ashley HEY!!
Andrew Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not want me to share my thoughts after all?
Ashley Some eulogy this is... But go on.
Andrew Sorry for selling your souls. That was very rude of us.
But you sold ours first, so that makes us even, doesn't it?
............ Aaaaand that's all I have to say.
Ashley (Maybe he has changed after all....)
Andrew ... You seem a bit down.
Are you sure you're not the one who wanted to say something? If so, then go for it.
Ashley It's not that.........
Andrew Then what?
Ashley ..................... Say, now that this has been dealt with, are we in the clear?
Andrew Honestly? I have no idea...
There's always the possibility I overlooked something.....
Ashley That's right! And I bet you did!
Andrew ..... Huh?
Ashley Bet you fucked up baaaaaad, and we're just waiting to get hauled off to jail right now!
Death row, here we come!!
Andrew Wow thanks, Ashley.... Really. Way to put my mind at ease.
Ashley Hehee! You've got nothing to fear! As long as I am here with my trinket!!
Andrew I don't know.... Didn't you just say the last vision was useless?
Ashley Foolish Andrew! If we'd be in trouble, surely the vision would've shown me that instead!
Andrew You're so confident in pulling these assumptions out of your ass.........

But I hope you're right.

Ashley Don't you worry! Just leave it all to me!

But anyway, what should we do now??

Andrew Leave it all to you, huh......
Ashley Our next move, Andrew. Plan it.
Andrew Ummm... Well......

The money has bought us some time, but we still need to find ourselves new identities.

Go to Mysterious mole.

Mysterious mole

Character Dialogue
Andrew The money has bought us some time, but we still need to find ourselves new identities.
Ashley Do we really though?

Can't we just live in the car? And mug random people for a living.

Andrew ........... That's just not going to work for very long...

Every time we try our luck, we're more likely to get caught.

Ashley Then can't we buy fake identities? I know people do that sometimes.
Andrew Point me to the guy who sells them, and I'll get right on that.
Ashley Ah! That cultist club seems like a really sketchy spot!

Maybe someone there knows someone who sells them!

Andrew Proooooooobably not though....
Ashley Stop being such a defeatist. Let's go take a look-see.
Andrew It's a crap idea to go anywhere near where we killed that guy...
Ashley Also that motel was the only one letting us stay with cash only.
Andrew ........ Fine. But we're leaving the car in some random parking lot.

Since there's definitely an ongoing investigation for that hitman's death.

Ashley Right. Cool. Whatever. Let's get going.
Andrew ........??

(......... I had a mole here?)

Ashley Are you coming or what?
Andrew In a minute, let me finish this...
Ashley Waste of time and money. I love it.
Andrew U-huh. Glad to hear it.

Go to Outro.


END OF EPISODE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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